標題: 舊有建築物排煙設備改善與避難安全分析
Improvement of the smoke-control equipment and analysis of the safe areas for refuge in old-buildings
作者: 黃永順
Yung-Shun Huang
Ching-chi Tseng
Wu-Shung Fu
關鍵字: 舊有建築物;排煙設備;防煙垂壁;old-buildings;smoke-control equipment;smoke-curtain
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 台灣地區老舊住宅及公寓大樓等建築物,比比皆是,由於消防設備的不足,無形中造成社區安全上一大隱憂。 民國八十七年一月二日修正之「舊有建築物防火避難設施及消防設備改善辦法」內規定,對於應設置排煙設備之場所,因施工及結構安全確有困難者,可以於樓地板面積每100平方公尺以防煙垂壁區劃間隔。然此種替代的方式是否能達到阻煙及避難的效果,實有必要結合人員避難做深入的探討。 本研究經由電腦分析結果得知,在單一區劃面積應設置排煙設備之場所,若因施工及結構安全確有困難之考量時,於樓地板面積每100平方公尺,使用防煙垂壁做區劃間隔者,防煙垂壁的長度至少需在80公分以上,才能符合人員避難安全。
In Taiwan these exist many old houses and apartment houses which are lack of adequate fire-fighting equipment that these must be concerned seriously。 The law provided in 1998 regulate that the smoke curtain should be installed if the smoke-equipment could not utilize to provide personnel refuge,However if the smoke curtain really take effect under fire are still remained to be found。 Therefore we use the computer simulation to analyses the flow pattern under fire,it is found that using 100㎡ as a compartment,the smoke-curtain must be at least 80cm to conform the personnel refuge 。


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