Title: 營建業實施ISO 9000品質管理績效之研究
A Study on Performance for Implementing ISO 9000 Quality Management in Construction Industry
Authors: 黃皇僑
Hwang, Hwang-Chyau
Chen Wen-Cher
Keywords: 營建業;品質管理績效;ISO 9000;Construction Industry;ISO 9000;Performance for Quality Management
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: ISO 9000品保制度的興起, 不僅帶動各產業的驗證風潮, 亦引發研究
學者多方面的探討, 然而對於通過驗證廠商的品質管理評估與改進績效,
則甚少涉及. 因此, 本研究主要目的在探討營建業實施ISO 9000品質管理
之績效, 以及績效衡量與評估之方式; 而藉由文獻探討與專家訪談結果所
建構之績效評估理論模式, 係用來比較與探討廠商實務方式之相異情形,
以做為廠商日後品質改進之應用參考. 研究對象係挑選十家不同性質之營
建業公司, 資料蒐集採用深度訪談法, 以充分明瞭廠商實際運作ISO制度
之情況; 而經訪談結果之歸納顯示, 大多數的廠商目前偏重在ISO品質系
統的健全度, 對於如何運用ISO品管制度的控制功能來持續不斷的提昇組
織績效, 較被忽略且仍有需加強之處.
Since the introduction of ISO 9000 quality assurance system
in Europe,ithas rapidly become prevalent for most of the
industrial companies. Besides,extensive studies on the system
have been conducted by researchers and scholars.Nevertheless,
few have been studied on the assessment of quality management
andimprovement performance for ISO registered companies. Thus,
the main purpose ofthis paper is to investigate the performance
of implementing ISO 9000 qualitymanagement in construction
industry as well a ; 而經訪談結果之歸納顯performance measurement
and evaluation. Firstly, a theoretical model for performance
evaluation was constructed with literature review and
specialists' interview. This model was compared with the actual
practice of ISO registered companies to further explore the
reasons of similarity and difference. The outcome thenserved as
a useful reference model to improve quality for ISO registered
companies.In this study, ten companies were orderly selected
from different constructionindustries. Data were collected by
in-depth interviews for thorough understandingof the practice
implementation of ISO system for the sample firms. The
resultsfrom the summary of interviews showed that most companies
currently focus on thesoundness of ISO quality system itself. As
for the application of the controlfunction of ISO quality system
to continuously upgrade performance of organizations,it is more
neglected and still needs to be enhanced.
Appears in Collections:Thesis