Title: 快速熱程序系統動態模式建立參數判別與溫度控制
Modeling, Identification and Temperature Controlof a Rapid Thermal Processing System
Authors: 康育銘
Kang, Yu-Ming
Lin Ching-An
Keywords: 快速熱程序;動態模式建立;參數判別;溫度控制;RTP;Rapid Thermal Processing;Modeling;Identification;Temperature Control
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文針對一套小型RTP系統進行動態模式的建立、系統判別與溫度 控制,藉以瞭解快速熱程序系統實際的溫度動態特性,並建立以PC為主的 基本資料擷取與處理的控制系統。 快速熱程序系統係非線性系統,本 論文利用兩種方式來估算系統的數學模式。第一種方式是根據系統的物理 特性及熱傳學基本觀念來推導系統的熱動態方程式,並在若干參考溫度及 輸入強度下,以泰勒展開的方式將系統線性化。第二種方式是將熱程序工 作溫度範圍分成八個溫階,在各溫階下採用黑箱模型(black-box)的系統 辨識方式,將其視為一線性系統,利用簡單的步階實驗,分別估算出系統 的轉移函數。 溫度控制採用傳統的比例-積分控制。利用中間溫階(第 五個溫階)下的轉移函數,根據吉格爾-尼克的參數調整法則設計PI控制器 參數,並以工業用個人電腦,配合GENIE軟體來實現。經由模擬、實驗結 果顯示,此PI控制器有良好的控制效果,在其他溫階下亦能保持不錯的控 制性能。 Rapid thermal processing is a state-of-the-art technique for performing in a single chamber the necessary wafer fabrication operation in semiconductor manufacture. In this thesis, we consider the modeling, identification and controller design of a rapid thermal processing system in order to have a good knowledge of RTP dynamics. Also, we construct a pc-based data acquisition and processing control system. For control purpose, we should establish the mathematical models of our RTP system at first. Two approaches are used. First, a physics-based model is developed from taking the energy balance of the wafer. In the other, we propose a black-box approach. In a black-box approach, a model that lumps together all these phenomena is identified based purely on input-output data. Then, a proportional plus integral (PI) controller is designed according to the identified model. A industrial pc is used in the experiment in which a GENIE software is used to realize the PI control. Experiments show that the design is satisfactory, and the performance of the controller is well maintained in various conditions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis