標題: 醫療器材產品購買行為中之資訊處理之研究
A Study of Information Proceeding in Medical Device Buying Behavior.
作者: 黃偉邦
Wei-Bang Huang
Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 醫療器材;購買行為;資訊處理;資訊搜尋;資訊評估;決策制訂;Medical Device;Buying Behavior;Information Proceeding;Information Searching;Information Evaluation;Decision Making
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 根據統計,未來全球醫療器材的需求將以每年約9.4%的速率持續成長。而就國內的狀況而言,我國目前已即將進入以開發國家之林,加以已實施之全民健康保險,因此可以預見的是醫療器材之市場將隨健康照護需求的增加而增加。 醫療器材通常為醫護人員之所用,同時器材本身及其使用往往也牽涉專業之知識,因此在面對此一與一般產品並不相同之特性,消費者在選擇產品時是否有其特殊之考量,特別是在資訊處理方面是不是有什麼重點可為廠商在擬定行銷策略時之依據,此為本研究所希望能夠提供的。 本研究以消費者行為為基礎,探討醫療器材之購買行為中資訊處理所扮演的角色。根據文獻之蒐集,我們完成以『資訊取得』、『資訊過濾』、『購買決策』為主軸的觀念架構。同時由於業務員在此購買行為中佔有著絕對之地位,因此我們也嘗試引入『服務接觸』的概念,以瞭解在資訊處理各個階段中業務員所能提供的服務。最後由於每一個科別之所主治的差異,因此我們再針對各個選項依所屬不同的科別進行檢定視其是否有所不同。 本研究以問卷的方式進行資料的蒐集,透過與從業人員進行訪談的方式蒐集問題之選項而完成問卷之設計,並據此進行問卷之發放與回收集資料分析的工作。 由研究結果顯示,醫師們對於產品之訊息來源多在其擔任主治醫師之後,因此時其已真正接觸到產品,各方面之訊息管道較為多樣。同時,其自己本身的使用情形多也形成了其對於產品的評價並進而影響到其之購買決策。其次,就資訊需求方面,一般而言原廠技術手冊為多數的醫師所重視。再選擇產品之考量方面,病人的狀況是選擇產品之考量主要因素。 而不同的科別將因所屬特性之不同而在各選項、考量上有所差異。
For the statistical data, the demand of medical device in the universal will increase steady with rate of 9.4%. The situation in our country, because we will step into developed country immediately and the national health care insurance, the demand of medical device will growth. The users of medical device are professional surgeon and nurses and their operation is professional skill, that's why they are different with other products. So is there any special concern in the alternative, especially in information proceeding? The goal of this study is to find some key points to help the medical device firm in making their marketing strategy. This study is based on the consumer behavior to discuss the role of information proceeding in medical device buying behavior. According to paper review, we setup the main concept of this study including of information searching, information evaluation and buying decision. Because of the importance of salesmen, the service contact is also an issue in our discussion. We also test the significance in concern for different department. We use questionnaire to collect data. We interviewed practitioners to decide the terms in this study. The result shows that for most doctors, they notice medical device after being a v.s. or fellow. They evaluate according their operation experience and that will affect their buying decision. The technical handbook is necessity. The patients' conditions are the most important concern. Because of different departments, the considerations will be different also.