DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShou-Chiao Liouen_US
dc.contributor.authorChien Chouen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討台灣國中小資訊負責人背景變項、角色壓力與工作滿意的程度與關係,以了解台灣國中小資訊負責人工作滿意的情形,及其所覺知的角色壓力,並探討其中之重要影響因素,進而提供意見協助資訊負責人克服困境以加強其留職之意願。 研究方法則採取文獻分析、問卷調查法,藉以分析國中小資訊負責人在資訊教育扮演的角色,以及對於資訊負責人背景變項、角色壓力對工作滿意感受各層面之關係、預測力,以及相關分析。 本研究以台灣各縣市公私立國中及國小資訊負責人為研究對象。配合研究編製了「國中小資訊負責人工作觀感調查表」,問卷內容分為背景變項、角色扮演情況、角色壓力問卷,以及工作滿意問卷四部份,寄發國中資訊負責人845位,國小資訊負責人2638位,共回收2047份,有效問卷1592份,回收率為55.29%。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、資訊負責人「常進行之資訊工作」和「工作負荷」具有高度等級相關。 二、資訊負責人角色扮演最吃重的是「管理維護者」、「支援者」及「訓練者」。 三、個人背景變項中,女性、30歲以下、未婚、無子女、學歷研究所、年資與行政資歷越低、不願意續任之資訊負責人有較高的整體角色壓力;男性、40至50歲、已婚、有子女、年資與行政年資越高、願意續任者在整體工作滿意程度較高。 四、環境背景變項中,13至29班、北部及都市地區、電腦數越多之資訊負責人有較高的整體角色壓力;資訊組長、電腦數越多、有職務加給者則有較高的整體工作滿意。 五、高分組的角色壓力程度在工作滿意各層面有較低的滿意程度;並且角色壓力與工作滿意具有高度負相關。 六、資訊負責人背景變項、角色壓力各層面中,以角色模糊(role ambiguity)對工作滿意最具有負向預測力。 本研究並根據研究結果,對教育主管機關、學校、資訊負責人與未來研究者提出相關建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is aimed to investigate the roles played by technology coordinators (TCs) in the elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The foci of this study are to (a) explore the variables which may contribute to the job satisfaction, including demographic information and perceived role stress; and (b) suggest feasible approaches to increase the position-retaining intention of TCs. This study employs literature review and survey methods to analyze the relationship and predictivity among variables examined. The subjects are the TCs in both public and private elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The instrument, The Job Perception Survey of Technology Coordinator in the Elementary and Junior High Schools, consists of four parts which include (a) demographic information, (b) classification of role playing, (c) role stress scale, and (d) job satisfaction. The total number of 3483 surveys is disseminated to the TCs in the elementary (2638 subjects) and junior high schools (845 subjects). There are 1592 out of 2047 considered valid research subjects which equal to 54.92% return rate from the target populations. The results are described as follows: 1.There is a high relationship between the “frequent tasks performed” and “workload” of the TCs. 2.A TC is often considered as a “technical maintainer”, “supporter”, and “trainer” at schools. 3.The demographic variables show that the TCs with higher level of role stress tend to fall into the groups of female, age under 30, unmarried, married with no children, graduate level, less years in teaching and administrative services, and low position-retaining intention. On the other hand, the TCs characterized as male, age among 40 to 50, married with children, more years in teaching and administrative services, and high position-retaining intention tend to have higher job satisfaction. 4.In terms of the results from the school background variables, the findings are listed as follows: (a) the higher overall role stress is associated with school size (classrooms between 13 to 29), northern Taiwan and urban area, and more computers in school; (b) the higher overall job satisfaction is associated with job clearly identified as a TC, more computers and extra payments for the TC. 5.The higher the role stress, the lower the job satisfaction; moreover, there is a high negative relationship between the “role stress” and the “degree of job satisfaction”. 6.Among the variables examined, the variable “role ambiguity” is identified as the strongest negative predictor for the degree of job satisfaction. This study provides recommendations related to the educational fields (administrators, schools, and personnel in charge of information technology at schools), and proposes suggestions for the further research derived from the findings of this study.en_US
dc.subjectTechnology coordinatoren_US
dc.subjectRole playingen_US
dc.subjectRole stressen_US
dc.subjectJob satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectInformation technologyen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Relationship among Role Playing, Role Stress, and Job Satisfaction of Technology Coordinators in Taiwan Elementary and Junior High Schoolsen_US


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