DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorSheng-Chyuan Guoen_US
dc.contributor.authorJoseph Z. Shyuen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 本研究以國家產業組合模式(Industrial Portfolio)分析我國製藥產業之發展方向,並建議政府在發展製藥產業各階段中所應支援之產業政策。 本研究將整體製藥產業區隔為八項技術領域進行研究,分別為化學合成製藥、天然物萃取與純化之製藥、生物轉化製藥、基因工程製藥、培養與醱酵製藥、蛋白質工程製藥、中草藥、製劑與劑型設計等八項技術領域,進行產業分析。本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析模式為基礎,設計出製藥產業組合分析模式,其定位構面縱軸為我國製藥產業技術能力,而橫軸為製藥產業價值鏈。本研究在研究方法上採取文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,而在統計方法上兼採有母數統計與無母數統計方法以進行小樣本專家問卷之統計推論。 本研究所得之主要結論如下: 首先,以當前全球製藥產業競爭動態與發展趨勢而言,製藥業廠商所扮演之角色可分為四:全球性大藥廠、小型研發製藥公司或實驗室、地區性之傳統藥廠以及專業代工廠。而我國目前製造產業以地區性傳統藥廠為主,並已有一些小型研發製藥公司或實驗室以及少數專業代工廠正在發展中。 其次,本研究定位我國化學合成製藥、中草藥、製劑與劑型設計此三項領域於技術輸入與改進階段以及價值鏈後段(製造與銷售階段),並建議其未來應沿製藥產業價值鏈向前段整合。而生物轉化製藥、培養與醱酵製藥兩項,則定位於技術輸入階段以及價值鏈後段。本研究建議其未來應加強研發水準,先提升至技術改進階段發展,再向價值鏈前段發展。基因工程製藥與蛋白質工程製藥兩項領域定位於技術輸入階段與產業價值鏈前段,其未來應發展成研發導向之上游製藥產業。天然物萃取與純化領域被定位於技術輸入階段與產業價值鏈前段,並建議其未來方向應朝向技術改進階段發展。 此外,本研究根據專家訪談與問卷結果,分析出我國製藥產業組合各定位中之產業需求要素,並歸納出在八項技術領域中,產業環境對於產業需求要素配合度較佳之領域為化學合成製藥、生物轉化製藥、製劑與劑型設計三項。最後,本研究針對八項技術領域之目前定位與未來應發展之方向,並根據產業需求要素與政策對應關係,提出我國大力發展製藥產業所應加強之產業政策細目,以作為未來政府規劃產業政策時之具體參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT This paper analyzes the future development for Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry with an industrial portfolio model. An attempt is made to provide suggestions of demanded industrial policies for different developing stages to the government. The pharmaceutical industry is segmented into eight technical fields in this research, namely, chemical synthesis pharmacy, extraction and purification pharmacy, biotransformation pharmacy, genetic engineering pharmacy, culture and fermentation pharmacy, protein engineering pharmacy, herbal medicine pharmacy and drug manufacture and formulation. The analytical framework of this research is based on an industrial portfolio model, which consists of two dimentions, namely, Taiwan’s technology strategy and the value chain of the pharmaceutical industry. Three research mehods are applied in this research, which include reviewing literatures, interviewing and questionnairing experts. Both parametric and nonparametric techniques of statistical inference are also implemented to assess quantitative data generated from questionnaires. The results reveal that there are four types of pharceutical compaies in the industry, including global pharmaceutical firms, pharmaceutical R&D laboratories, local pharmaceutical manufacturers and professional pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. Furthermore, according to the dynamic environment of gobal pharmaceutical industry, Taiwan’s chemical synthesis pharmacy, herbal medicine pharmacy and drug manufacture and formulation are positioned at the technology import and improvement stages, conjoining with the manufacture and sales section on the industrial value chain. Based on the assessment of feasibility, this research suggests that these three fields should integrate toward up-stream value chain of pharmaceutical industry to improve the capability before entering the global competition. Meanwhile, this research provides positioning strategy and suggestions for other fields of Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry as well. Based on questionnaires and interviews, the result also shows that chemical synthesis pharmacy, biotransformation pharmacy along with drug manufacture and formulation are supported to a greater exert by the industrial environment than other pharmaceutical sectors in Taiwan. According to the Industrial Innovation Requiurements systematized by this research, this research also deliberates upon the future trend of pharmaceutical industry and provides Taiwan’s policy makers an important reference for policy instruments in developing eight fields of the pharmaceutical industry.en_US
dc.subjectPharmaceutical Industryen_US
dc.subjectNational Portfolio Analysisen_US
dc.subjectInnovation Policyen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of National Portfolio and Innovation Policy of Taiwan’s Pharmaceutical Industryen_US