Title: 捷運淡水線公車轉成設施之檢討
The Review of The Bus Transfer Facility of Tamshui Line Rapid Transit
Authors: 張致祥
Chih-Hsiang Chang
Yuan-Ching Hsn
Keywords: 捷運車站;公車轉乘;MRT station;bus transfer
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 臺北市捷運系統初期路網於八十八年底已完成並構成雙十路網,為便利民眾轉乘大眾捷運系統,重新檢討規劃公車轉乘服務設施乃為重要工作。一個規劃良好的捷運車站公車轉乘設施,除可提供捷運與公車乘客安全、便利之轉乘接駁服務外,同時也關係到週邊道路交通影響及公車路線營運效率,因此捷運車站公車轉乘設施規劃更顯重要。 本研究探討淡水捷運車站公車轉運之型式及其影響因素,依捷運車站公車轉乘重要性程度,以多變量分析法中的因子分析法,對車站分類變數進行因子分析,再以樣本因子得點進行群落分析,採歐基里德距離平方的距離定義,以華德法作為分群之依據,進行車站分類,根據各類捷運車站與公車轉乘關係,分析淡水捷運車站公車轉乘設施之設置原則。進行檢討分析捷運淡水線各車站之公車轉乘設施,提出改善建議。
The first phase of Taipei Rapid Transit System was completed in the end of 1999 with a “十十” (literally translated as Double Ten in Chinese language) shaped network-structure. As a critical concern for passengers’ convenience, the shuttle-bus transfer facility was reviewed and planed thoroughly. A well-planned bus transfer facility not only ensures the safe and convenient transfer-services for the passengers, but also improves the traffic condition and upgrades the efficiency of the city buses in the neighborhood. As such, the planning of TRTS’ bus transfer facility is undoubtedly a critical issue for all parties concerned. This research studied the types of buses of all stations along Tamshui Line rapid transit as well as the impact of influence imposed by the buses. Based on the levels of significance of the TRTS stations, this research conducted the factor analysis for the categorized variables of the stations by the factor analysis method, which is a part of the multiple variable analysis approach, then conducted the cluster analysis for the points of the sampling factors and defined the distances by Euclid’s definition of square distance, and then categorized the stations by Watt’s method. The next step was to determine how the bus facilities of Tamshui Line rapid transit were allocated according to the relation between all categories of TRTS stations and the buses, then reviewed and analyzed the shuttle-bus transfer facilities of all stations along Tamshui Line rapid transit in order to present the recommendations for improvement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis