Title: | 我國生物晶片產業暨廠商競爭策略之研究 A Study of Competitive Strategies of Biochip Industry and firms in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳日暐 Jih-Wen Chen 吳元功 York Y. Wu 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 生物晶片;基因晶片;實驗室晶片;競爭策略;biochip;DNA microarray;lab-on-a-chip;Competitive Strategy |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 本研究以『我國生物晶片產業暨廠商競爭策略』為研究主題,藉由收集並分析次級資料、個案訪談整理、專家電子問卷彙整等三種研究方法,期望能夠客觀並廣泛的瞭解國內外生物晶片市場現況,進而整合競爭策略(Competitive Strategy)相關之文獻探討,歸納總結出我國生物晶片產業暨廠商在研發、生產、行銷等三構面的競爭策略,提供予國內機構及生物科技廠商參考。在收集國內外生物晶片大廠的資料中發現,生物晶片目前的最主要應用市場仍在於基礎研究(Basic Research)與新藥開發(New Chemical Entity , NCE)市場,而在訪談的過程中則發現,事實上,生物晶片的研究工具目前在台灣市場相當有限,一方面是因為其產量規模的不足,另一方面則是其產品特性目前仍是屬於R&D的工具角色,而非工業或消費性的終端應用型產品。現今生物晶片的主要價值在於觀測基因、蛋白質活性進而發展生物資訊學。本研究的結果發現,中研院的技術移轉及工研院致力於生物晶片技術平台的開發均給予業界相當大的幫助,加上許多國內外深諳學理與實驗技術的人才紛紛投入此領域,若國內生物晶片廠商此時能朝向生物技術平台的建立、前端製藥業的研發、或配合國內半導體產業的競爭優勢全力發展Lab-on-a-chip的微機電型生物檢測晶片,未來在國際上仍是具有相當的競爭力。 The subject of this study is:Competitive Strategies of Biochip Industry and firms in Taiwan. Collecting and examining second information, interviewing managers and researchers of biochip firms in Taiwan, and analyzing email questionnaires, carried this study. This study starts with wide literate analysis and market research of biochip, and then integrates competitive strategies into three result compositions:research, manufacture, and marketing. Biochip technologies offer enormous savings in time and labors as compared to used methods. Standardized procedures are essential for compatible data production, quality control, and analysis. Expression monitoring is the most biologically informative application of this technology at present. Microarray technology has important applications in pharmacogenomics: drug discovery and development, drug safety and molecular diagnostics. DNA chips will facilitate the integration of diagnosis and therapeutics, as well as the introduction of personalized medicines. Applications of microarray in pharmacogenomics Companies involved in developing biochip technology Conclusions and expert opinion Bibliography. The result of this study indicates that main markets of biochip are Basic Research, and New Chemical Entity (NCE) that include drug development, drug discovery, and drug targets. Institute of Biomedical Science in Academia Sinica provided technology of making biochip and the Biomedical Engineering Center in Industrial Technology Research Institute provided products commercialization are both gave so much help to firms in Taiwan. Biochip companies should cooperate with research institutes. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69037 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |