標題: 玻璃對金屬接合技術之研究
The Study of Glass-to-metal Sealing Technology
作者: 陳輝達
Hui-Ta Chen
Chang-Pin Chou
關鍵字: 玻璃;金屬;玻璃對金屬;接合;glass;metal;glass-to-metal;sealing
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 玻璃對金屬接合技術主要應用於高氣密性與良好絕緣的元件上,機械、光電、電信、汽車、生醫等產業都屬於此技術應用的範疇。玻璃對金屬接合上最常遇到的問題可分為玻璃與金屬的黏著性不佳與玻璃的破壞,如何精準控制金屬預氧化程度與接合界面的潤濕性,便成為玻璃對金屬接合技術中最重要的課題。本篇論文以研究玻璃對金屬接合相關的技術,包括加熱溫度及恆溫時間對Kovar合金氧化率的影響、玻璃與金屬間潤濕性的變化、玻璃與金屬接合情形的探討。實驗材料有Kovar鐵鎳鈷合金與ASF110、ASF200R及ASF700三種玻璃粉末。實驗方法採用石英管狀爐作為加熱設備,進行氧化、潤濕性與接合等三項實驗。由實驗結果發現Kovar合金以爐溫700℃維持10分鐘之操作程序,可得到最適合於玻璃對金屬密封接合用之氧化層;各類型玻璃粉於預先氧化處理的Kovar合金試片上有較佳的潤濕性,於無預先氧化處理的Kovar合金試片上的潤濕性較差;在玻璃對金屬三明治接合中,矽元素可擴散進入Kovar合金區,鐵鈷鎳元素可擴散進入玻璃區,其中以處理溫度為980℃,爐內氣氛為氬氣之實驗程序,有助於增加擴散距離形成較佳的鍵結能力。
Glass-to-metal sealing technology is usually used for the device of high hermeticity and excellent electrical insulation. The main application areas include mechanical, optoelectronics, telecommunication, automotive and biomedical industry. There are two problems in glass-to-metal sealing. One is the bad adhesion between glass and metal, and the other is the fracture of glass. For the glass-to-metal sealing technology, to control precisely metal oxide layer and wetting between glass and metal interfacial zone are two important factors. The purpose of this paper is to study the technology about glass-to-metal sealing. The first is to determine the influence of temperature and time to oxidation of Kovar alloy. The second is to study the wetting behavior between glass and metal interface. The third is to investigate the situation of glass-metal sandwich seal. Kovar Fe-Ni-Co alloy, glass powders ASF110, ASF200R and ASF700 were used in the study. Oxidation experiment, wetting experiment and sealing experiment were conducted. From the experiment results, it is found that the best preoxidation treatment for sealing is heating to 700℃ and maintaining for 10 min. Wetting on preoxidative Kovar alloy is better than Kovar alloy with no preoxidation treatment. Si can diffuse into Kovar alloy and Fe-Co-Ni can diffuse into glass in the glass-metal sandwich seal. Treatment of heating to 980℃in argon atmosphere can increase the distance of diffusion and to enhance the glass-to-metal adhesion.


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