標題: 數位視訊接收器產業發展關鍵成功要素研究
An Analysis of the Key Success Factors of Digital Set-Top-Box Industry
作者: 林弘堯
Hung Yao Lin
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 數位視訊接收器;產業組合分析;關鍵成功要素;差異化地圖;Digital Set-Top-Box;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Key Success Factors;Differential Map
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究運用產業組合分析模式,透過產業策略群組及產業價值鏈,區隔定位出台灣數位視訊接收器之產業定位,並利用產業創新需求要素分析模式,透過產業專家之意見調查,分析及歸納出發展數位視訊接收器產業的關鍵成功要素。 研究結果發現,由產業供應鏈來看,台灣在數位視訊接收器(Digital Set-Top-Box, DSTB)產業目前介於應用研究與量產之間,而市場則處於萌芽期階段;而由差異化地圖分析得知台灣在DSTB產業中,以半導體設計、製程技術能力以及系統整合開發、生產效率等較具競爭優勢。而「頻道經營」與「關鍵零組件開發」為產業價值鏈中附加價值較高的部份,因此台灣未來發展方向應以開發DSTB核心晶片為主,以掌握關鍵技術並創造利潤,廠商則可利用系統單晶片之趨勢整合相關晶片與技術,有效降低成本以增加競爭優勢。 在關鍵成功要素之分析結果上,政府需要提供與加強的要素有:標準設計平台的建立、技術引進與擴散機制、技術顧問與專業的諮詢服務、產業創新政策的支持以及人才的培訓。而廠商本身應改進加強的要素則有:核心技術開發能力、市場掌握能力、專門領域與技術人才以及國際化的行銷人才等。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of Taiwan’s Digital Set-Top-Box industry, using an Industrial Portfolio Model. Specific emphasis is placed on strategic grouping, positioning analysis, and Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIRs). Key success factors at the firm level are also analyzed. Based on the industrial portfolio analysis, it was found that Taiwan’s DSTB industry is located between applied research and mass production. And from the Differential Map analysis, Taiwanese firms are superior in IC design, semiconductor manufacturing process technology and information system integration. Thus, this research suggests that Taiwanese firms may focus on developing the DSTB chipsets and gain the comparative cost advantage derived from efficiency in system design. At the policy level, results show that Taiwanese government needs to participate in building up a standard design platform, expedite the DSTB technology diffusion, provide consultation services and training programs for specialized personal. At the firm level, firms should improve their capabilities in developing core technology and marketing. And the firms also should invest in specialized personal in technology and marketing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis