标题: 旅客对于高铁售票通路功能之重视度与满意度研究
Passengers’ Concern and Satisfactions on the Function of Ticket Distribution Channel of Taiwan High Speed Rail Company
作者: 鲍丽萍
Pao, Li-Ping
Chen, Quang- Hua
Jen, William
关键字: 售票通路;重视度;满意度;高铁;Ticket Distribution Channel,;Taiwan High Speed Rail;Satisfactions
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 2012年12月17日于通车将届满六周年之前夕,台湾高铁累积旅运量已经突破2亿;2013年元旦更创下单日21万2千余人次的旅运量,是通车6年多以来单日最高的纪录。面对逐渐提升的旅运量,为纾解车站有限空间的售票限制,高铁不断开发车站以外之售票通路,包括网路及语音订位服务、便利商店订位、付款及取票服务、高铁 “T Express”手机订位程式,及悠游联名卡直接过闸乘车等。
研究结果发现,偏好“乘车当日购票”之旅客,多为频繁搭乘,且为单独旅行者,特别针对于商务旅客,可能因搭乘时间不定,及公务临时状况较多,为保有乘车弹性,故仍偏好“乘车当日购票”。而偏好使用“车站售票窗口”之旅客,以教育程度“大学毕(含) 以下”之旅客较多,及旅次目的非为“休闲旅游”之旅客。
Taiwan High Speed Rail has been operated since 2007. In the 1st day of 2013, the ridership was reached up to 212,000, which was the record of single day during the passed 6 years. In order to have more convenient ticketing service for the increasing passenger traffic, the company provides several ticketing channels outside the stations, including online booking and payment, Kiosk in the convenience stores, smart phone APP and directly travel by Taipei easy Co-Brander Card.
Although the multiple channels had released the ticketing job of the stations, the increasing passenger traffic was caused the long queuing of passengers for waiting to buy ticket in station during weekend or holiday. It’s an important mission to guide more and more passengers to buy ticket via the channels out of station.
In this study, we will indicate the key functions of channels passengers take account amd point out the positive influence to customer satisfaction.
During the research, questionnaire survey was adopted to collect the passengers’ experience. Than the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Factor Analysis,Reliability Analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA and Chi-Spare Tests.
The result shows that, overall speaking, THSRC channel service quality is between“satisfactory” and “very satisfactory”. Besides, this study indicates “discount“ is the key issue passenger care a lot, but also the one made passenger dissatisfied.