Title: 兩岸間電子商務超商店配物流系統之脆弱度分析
The Analysis of Vulnerability about E-Commerce Retailing Delivery System between Taiwan and China
Authors: 陳紹谷
Chen, Shao-Gu
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai
Keywords: 電子商務;超商店配;跨國配送;敏感度模型;模糊認知圖;E-Commerce;Retailing Delivery;International Distribution;Sensitivity Model;Fuzzy Cognitive Map
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract:   近年來台灣消費者於中國線上購物網站展現了驚人的消費實力,然而由於中國端之電子零售商大多未提供商品直寄台灣之服務,且提供此項服務之少部分電子零售商其商品運費亦十分昂貴。有鑑於此,目前「台灣端之超商業者」與「中國端之集貨業者」進行合作以建構兩岸間電子商務產品之超商店配系統,藉由商品集貨共同配送的概念,台灣端消費者將不再需要擔心中國端電子零售商是否提供商品直寄台灣之服務,且商品之配送費用亦將因此而低廉許多。然而,若兩岸間之超商店配系統因外在干擾事件而受到衝擊,則消費者所訂購之商品將延遲、甚至無法送達消費者之手中。因此,本研究欲針對兩岸間電子商務超商店配物流系統之脆弱度進行分析,並根據分析之結果擬定適當之應對方案與策略,期望能夠藉此協助業者將其有限之資源作最有效率之分配,同時並確保商品皆可於約定之時間內配送至台灣端消費者之手中。
  In recent years, consumers in Taiwan have spent lots of money in China’s online stores. However, most of the electronics retailers in China are not willing to ship the products to Taiwan directly. Even if they do, the freight of the products is expensive. In this case, the dealers of Taiwan and China cooperate with each other to construct an E-commerce retailing delivery system between Taiwan and China. Nevertheless, if the E-commerce retailing delivery system is disrupted by some external factors, the products may not be shipped to the consumers in Taiwan on time or even not shipped at all. Consequently, this research will attempt to make an analysis of the vulnerability regarding the E-commerce retailing delivery system between Taiwan and China, and offer some suggestions and strategies related to the results of the research, in order to make sure that the allocation of the limited resources is proper and efficient, and also the products can be shipped to the consumers in Taiwan at the appointed time.
  Because the relevance between the factors which influence the vulnerability of the E-commerce retailing delivery system is quite complex, the “Fuzzy Cognitive Map” is chosen as the research tool in this research. The results of this research show that the communication between the members of the distribution system, the degree of information integration and the ability of the goods consolidation dealer are the critical factors. This research then makes the scenario analyses about these three critical factors in order, expecting to make useful suggestions and strategies from the research results, helping to improve the system stability.
Appears in Collections:Thesis