標題: 重筆觸塗抹之粉蠟筆繪圖風格模擬
Simulation of Oil Pastels Drawing Style by Heavy and Wide Strokes
作者: 林瑋宸
Lin, Wei-Chen
Lin, Cheng-Chung
關鍵字: 粉蠟筆;筆觸塗抹;繪圖風格模擬;Oil Pastels;Wide Strokes
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本論文提出一個新的粉蠟筆繪圖模擬方法,呈現以重筆觸塗抹方式繪圖之風格。基本上參考吾人以手繪粉蠟筆畫圖時的習慣方式模擬下筆過程,在定義繪圖筆觸軌跡後,沿軌跡以模擬之粉蠟筆筆觸來繪畫。本論文方法主要有三個步驟:1.將輸入的圖像做顏色簡化。2.使用顏色簡化單位區塊和梯度方向計算筆觸軌跡。3.根據筆觸軌跡使用不同粗細之筆觸繪畫。本論文所提出的方法模擬出來的效果看起來頗有類似手繪粉蠟筆畫之風格感受。
In this thesis, an automated system for transforming an input color image into a pastel drawing in the desired style is proposed, of which the process consists of three major stages: 1. Color quantigetion in HSV space, resulting in a 300 color palette. 2. Image segmentation based on the color palette is performed and stroke-path in every segmented areas are computed according to gradient and associated information. 3. Strokes of various thickness and colors are applied along stroke-paths in each image areas. The final outcome of the drawing is considered to be visually satisfactory in mimicking hand-drawn pastel sketching in a style achieved with heavy and thick strokes, based upon the results from a test data set of 357 images.