Title: 全球記憶體IC封測產業發展與未來成長分析研究
The Memory IC Assembly & Testing Business Development
Authors: 陳錦弟
Keywords: 智慧型手機, 藍海策略, 差異化, 價值創新;Smartphone, Blue Ocean Strategy, Differentiation, Value Innovation
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 從取捨,獨特價值定位與發展配適活動三個策略原則來探討來探討記憶體IC封測個案P公司的成長策略。 首先,因全球PC產業下滑、標準型DRAM市場萎縮,應該降低標準型DRAM封裝投資;反之 ,在行動裝置、多媒體數位消費性商品及IT雲端應用市場的普及下,全球NAND Flash市場持續擴增,所以必須增加NAND堆疊封裝投資。再者客戶群數量也必須做好管理,打進智慧型手機品牌供應鏈亦是目前重要課題。 其次,在「價值定位」觀點上;因全球記憶體IC集中在三星、美光及海力士,個案公司應該建構卓越的設計開發服務以配合IDM廠之time to market, 也就是類In-House 封裝設計代工專業服務,成為記憶體IC封測業的台積電,如此一來更可以深化IDM策略聯盟。此外 ,配合外部趨勢的發展,個案公司應該運用內部優勢整合現有記憶體及邏輯IC封裝技術,積極成為未來客戶倚賴之3D IC世界級封裝廠。 最後,為創造差異化,除原有的記憶體技術外,開發高階記憶體封裝(RDL,TSV)及邏輯IC封裝市場開發(WLCSP,RDL)更是未來邁向3D IC所需努力的方向。
The Memory IC Assembly & Testing Business Development and Future Growth Strategies student:Chin-Ti Chen Advisors:Dr. Po-Young Chu Master Program of Management for Executives National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT Referring to 3 elements of strategy (Selected Focus and not Focus, Value Position), the studied case should follow the below 3. First, as the saturation of worldwide PC market, the demand for commodity DRAM is declining. The investment on assembly and testing of commodity DRAM should be reduced. On contrast, the investment of NAND business should be increased as the demand for mobile multimedia device and IT with cloud application’s increases. Engaging with brand smartphone players should have a high priority. Secondarily, since there are only three memory IDMs remaining on the market, how to build u a long term partnership is crucial. The strategy of TSMC in the logic IC supply chain could provide a good reference for the case company in the memory IC supply chain. Integrate the assembly and testing technologies of current technologies in memory as well as logic, the case company should take a leading role of 3D IC assembly and testing. Finally, to create differentiation, the case company should develop advanced 3D technologies for the future application in the mobile devices with multimedia function.
Appears in Collections:Thesis