標題: Web-based視覺化互動式多媒體教材樣板套用系統之分析與實作
The Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Visual Authoring System using Rapid E-learning Pattern
作者: 吳直穎
Chih-Ying Wu
Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 樣板;互動式多媒體;template;Web-Based
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著互動式多媒體教材的使用越來越廣泛,需求量也大大的增加,在這樣的情況下,教育工作者開始製作符合自己需求的多媒體教材,但由於編輯多媒體教材時的編輯習慣與模式,造成了許多的重複性工作,使得教材編輯工作的效率很差。 面對多媒體教材需求量大增,我們希望以共享多媒體教材方式來解決多媒體需求問題,但在教材標準的定義不盡相同造成共享困難,為此美國ADL先導計畫推出SCORM標準,目的為教材訂定出一個統一的標準。但相對的教育工作者在製作教材之餘,仍需了解繁複的SCORM標準並撰寫讓教材符合標準的文件,對於教育工作者來說又是另一大難題。 本論文將針對上述兩方面的問題作探討與分析,對於教材編輯時的重複性工作,分析其編輯過程重複性成因,提出教材樣板的概念,定義教材樣板的種類,並利用教材樣板套用來提升編輯工作效率。 在製作符合SCORM標準的多媒體教材方面,我們將分析SCORM標準的定義,提出教材結構以及教學策略樣板,讓編輯者藉由樣板套用方式產生讓教材符合SCORM標準的相關文件,不需要去了解繁複的SCORM標準定義,就可達到共享多媒體教材的目標。
The demand of multimedia presentation curriculum is increasing yearly, especially, for the language learning area and basic school environment. Often, instructors have to create their own multimedia based content presentation as a supplement for students who may have disadvantages in digesting text based presentation curriculum. Although authoring tools such as Authorware, Director, Flash, or PowerPoint (to name a few) may be able to use their extended programming features (for example, combing part of the programming codes) to create an animated and interactive multimedia presentation content, in general, to create such an animated and interactive multimedia presentation document requires a great deal of time and computer skill for most content creators such as school teachers who may not have a good computer literacy. Also, from our experiences on the multimedia content creation, we observed that there are many repetitions involved in the authoring process that make the content creation a tedious and time consuming work for creators. In this thesis research, we proposed the concept of “learning design pattern” for content creators to create multimedia based curriculum. Specifically, several levels of learning patterns such as layout pattern, structure pattern, and learning strategy pattern based on SCORM sequence rules are defined. Also, a web-based system that can be used to rapid create those patterns mentioned above is designed and implemented. Based on these different design patterns, content creators can rapid generate SCORM conformance multimedia curriculum using the proposed template replacing system. Application examples are used to demonstrate the applicability and feasibility of the proposed system.
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