標題: 產業推行職業安全衛生管理系統之績效評估模式及策略分析
A Study of Safety and Health Management Performance Assessment Criteria and Implementation Strategy
作者: 林明洲
Lin Min-Jou
Chun-Hsun Chen
Chun-Yu Chen
關鍵字: 績效量測;主動式;策略;performance measurement;pro-active;strategy
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 職業安全衛生管理系統的目標就是要創造一個安全無虞的工作場所,意即以「零災害」「零損失」為目標。為了要達到此目標必然需投入一些資源包括人力、財力、物力與時間;而投入資源的有效性就必須運用一些績效量測的方法或手段加以衡量;在管理學上有句格言 「可量測的就可被達成(What gets measured gets done)」,這個論調在產業界各管理層面上被廣泛認同,當然也適用於職業安全衛生管理系統之推動工作上。截至2004年3月底止,國內已有130家廠商通過OHSAS 18001的驗證,至4月底止已有1350家廠商通過ISO 14001的驗證,足見環保工安工作已成為現代企業經營不可或缺的要素之一。本研究主要探討我國及歐、美、英、澳各國對安全衛生管理系統績效量測之相關規定,產業界推行職業安全衛生管理系統的績效指標之訂定及主動式(Pro-active)、被動式(Re-active)績效指標評估模式,以及探討產業界因應國際發展現況與趨勢,在職業安全衛生管理系統推動建置所採取的策略等。 本研究擷取國內外職安衛系統建制推動狀況,輔以企業界運作實務及過去輔導企業建制職業安全衛生管理系統之經驗,歸納出影響安全衛生管理系統績效之關鍵因素及推動策略之關鍵因素;藉由專家問卷及一般勞工問卷所提供之寶貴意見加以彙整分析,以期獲得職業安全衛生管理系統之績效評估模式及推動策略成功關鍵因素,以提供給產業界在推行職業安全衛生管理系統之酌參。 彙整比較專家及一般勞工績效評估影響因素兩調查族群皆認為最重要的績效評估指標為:管理階層審查、員工安全行為、及職災狀況等。在推動策略考量因素方面其中以最高主管承諾及降低風險避免財物損失為最重要因素。本研究結果可供事業單位在建置健全安全衛生績效評估制度的參考依據。然而依然需要實際驗證其有效性及應用便利性。後續研究建議進行實地驗證,選取不同規模與特性的事業單位,作為修正此模式的依據,以期發揮其實用的價值。
To ensure the proper implementation of safety and health management system and maintain the on-going process of fulfilling the organizational needs, it is necessary for companies to have a set of criteria to assess the management system performance from daily operations and implement appropriate measures. Traditionally, company managers receive safety and health related information through the feedback of the company’s safety and health records. This creates the problem of different performance criteria, which might hinder the performance benchmarking and information sharing between organizations. Moreover, the lack of objective and complete criteria might lead to the potential failure of a safety and health management system. As a result, companies can only realize the safety and health problems when something went wrong. To reduce the consequence of the trial-and-error approach adopted currently by many organizations, it is necessary to develop objective criteria, which can help company managers assessing the management system performance. The performance criteria were developed with the help of safety and health experts. Questionnaires were developed through literature review. The criteria are classified into three categories, including Occupational Health and Safety Condition Performance Indicators (OHSCPIs), Occupational Health and Safety Management Performance Indicators (OHSMPIs), and Occupational Health and Safety Operation Performance Indicators (OHSOPIs). A Total of thirty-two items, including proactive and passive criteria, was identified. Thirty senior safety and health experts with at least ten years of related experiences were asked to answer the questionnaires. Thirty-nine questionnaires were collected and analyzed to identify the necessity and importance of these criteria. The proposed criteria and implementation strategies can provide the decision-makers the capability to assess the safety and health management system performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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