Title: 台灣抗老化妝品服務業之策略分析
A Strategic Services Approach of Taiwan's Anti-aging Cosmeceutical Industry
Authors: 蕭宸婕
Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 客製化;平台策略;抗老化;創新密集服務業;藥妝品;Customization;Platform Strategy;Anti-aging;Innovation Intensive Services;Cosmeceutical
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究以創新密集服務模型分析台灣抗老化妝品之發展策略,以服務價值活動與外部資源勾勒出抗老化妝品服務發展與潛在策略,在研究方法方面,採用文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,進行小樣本分析從服務價值活動與外部資源構成的關鍵成功因素。 研究架構以創新密集服務分析模式為基礎,透過縱軸為五種創新類型、橫軸為四種客製化程度之矩陣,分析整理出創新密集服務業目前策略定位與未來策略走向。 研究結果發現,台灣發展抗老化妝品服務過程中,現階段定位應為特定服務的結構創新,未來將朝向選擇服務的市場創新發展。根據專家訪談及問卷結果,在服務價值活動上應加強掌握規格與創新技術、彈性服務效率的掌握、品牌與行銷能力、服務傳遞能力、通路商服務能力、財務管理能力等六項因子為提升內部能力方向;外部資源上則需要企業外在形象、技術商品化能力、價值鏈整合能力、建立與顧客接觸介面、通路管理能力等五項因子配合,以達成未來策略目標。
This study utilizes the Innovation Intensive Services model to process a strategic approach of Taiwan’s anti-aging cosmeceutical Industry. The IIS model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, containing 4 service packages and 5 innovation fields. Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, professional interview and questionare survey. The IIS model provides a 4╳5 matrix with 20 service cluster positions to analyze the strategic requirements of Taiwan’s anti-aging cosmeceutical service. Potential strategy position and future trends are also investigated in this thesis. Our results indicate that Taiwan’s anti-aging cosmeceutical firms must forward integrate into marketing and servicing to develop capabilities in respectively areas. Results reveal that current position is at restricted service/structural innovation. The future direction is at selective service/market innovation. Results also point out Taiwan’s anti-aging cosmeceutical services must reinforce its service value activities – Modelizing and Holding Innovation Skills, Flexible Servicing Efficiency, Brand and Marketing Ability, Servicing Convey Ability, Channel Service Ability, Financial Management and its externalities – Goodwill, Skill Merchantdizing, Value-chain Integrating Ability, Customer Conducting Interface, Channel Management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis