標題: 台灣筆記型電腦產業供應鏈營運模式分析
Exploring the Operation Model of Supply Chain for Taiwanese Notebook Industry
作者: 岑嘉宜
關鍵字: 筆記型電腦;供應鏈營運模式;灰關聯分析;Notebook(NB);Supply Chain Operation Model;Grey Relational Analysis(GRA)
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 筆記型電腦產業的供應鏈營運模式為其公司經營的核心,且營運模式的選擇會受到商業模式及流程模式的影響。由於不同的營運模式所重視的因素不盡相同,故不同的公司在選擇不同的營運模式會有不同的偏好。目前對於供應鏈方面的研究文獻,多半以探討供應鏈管理或競爭策略與績效之間的關係,或以數學模式求解最佳化供應鏈模式為主;少有人探討供應鏈營運模式與影響因素之間的關係。再加上過去研究中並沒有將供應鏈的營運模式做詳盡的定義與分類。因此本研究所要探討的重點為分析台灣筆記型電腦產業現況,以及分類台灣筆記型電腦產業的供鏈營運模式,並找出影響供應鏈營運模式的關鍵因素。
This study deals with the operation model of supply chain for Taiwanese notebook industry. This study classifies the operation model and analyzes the important factors considered by different operation models. The operation model of supply chain defined in this study mainly includes the business model(OEM/ODM)and the process model(BTF/BTO/CTO).

Twelve Taiwanese notebook computer companies are our surveyed target groups. The mail survey with the questionnaire to 12 companies and the depth interview survey to 6 representative companies. Due to the characters of small samples, We use the Grey Relational Analysis method to find the key factors considered by different operation models.

It is shown that from the empirical result, the different operation model the considered the different key factors, due to the companies characteristics and operation targets. In the aspect of supply chain operation process, the important factors are to reduce the inferior goods ratio and to adopt advanced technique. In the aspect of factory location choice, the low labor cost and the advantage of transportation location are important factors .In the aspect of alliance cooperation, the factors of the commitment and relative size are important. In the aspect of supply chain operation performance, to raise the rate of the good product and to shorten the product delivery time, to diversify the product design and to increase the product flexibility are important factors.


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