標題: 環室觸發: 可重設的環室個人設計環境架構
Ambient Trigger: An Interface Framework for Evoking Ambient Reconfiguration in Personal Design Environment
作者: 陳鼎翰
Ting-Han Chen
Teng-Wen Chang
關鍵字: 環室;觸發;互動式空間;個人設計環境;人機互動;環境智能;Ambient;Trigger;Reconfiguration;Responsive Environment;Personal Design Environment;Embodied
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 對設計者而言,在實體的個人設計環境中做設計,經常需要和周遭的人、事、物、環境互動而中斷設計過程。這些中斷經常造成設計者注意力轉移,或甚至得放下手邊進行中的工作以便處理新的狀況。本研究提出一個介面架構-環室觸發 (Ambient Trigger) 以回應此問題。 透過環室觸發架構,設計者可以建構一個較不易分散注意力、可立即重塑的個人設計環境。這樣的環境可讓使用者輕易地透過體現的動作 (embodied action),來達到觸發環室元件重新設定以支援某項特定的設計活動。本研究透過設計與實作一個實體個人設計環境,來測試和檢驗這個環室觸發架構,並以四個劇本描述環室觸發環境的使用情境。本研究總結並討論了環室觸發架構的差異性,及其對於進一步發展環室媒介環境的幾項可能性。
The process of designing in a personal design environment (PDE) often encounters interruption. Due to the lack of an automatic reconfigurable framework, such interruption often shifts the designer’s focus from designing to dealing with new situations. In this paper, we propose a novel interface framework called Ambient Trigger (AT), for the instant and easy switching of PDE into an appropriate state to support encountered situations without much user intervention. With the AT Interface framework, designer could realize a multifunctional and reconfigurable personal design environment. Such environment enables its user to easily reconfigure his/her ambient environment with simply an embodied action toward mediated objects. To verify the framework, a test-bed environment is designed and implemented during the research. Four scenario examples were presented for demonstrating usage of AT. In conclusion, AT has shown its differences as well as possibilities in advancing ambient environment for further investigation.


  1. 751401.pdf

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