Title: | 台灣發光二極體封裝業創新政策與產業組合分析 An Analysis of Industrial Portfolio and Innovation Policy of Taiwan's LED Packaging Industry |
Authors: | 林俊宏 Andy Lin 徐作聖 Joseph Z. Shyu 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 產業組合模式;發光二極體產業;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;LED packaging industry;Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIRs);Policy Instruments |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | 本研究以產業組合模式分析台灣發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode)封裝產業之發展策略,並利用政策關聯性推衍出產業發展所需之政策工具及政策建議。運用產業組合分析模式為基礎,以技術成長曲線與產業價值鏈為區隔變數,進行研究分析。在研究方法方面,本研究採用文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,專家問卷之統計推論兼採用有母數統計與無母數統計方法進行小樣本之分析。 研究結果發現,以目前產業競爭動態與發展趨勢而言,台灣LED封裝業整體處於產業價值鏈的應用研發階段,部分也從事新產品開發,但因受限於LED封裝產業的特性,產品之技術跟生產原料仍由國際大廠掌握,故短期內技術重點仍在技術研發(包括應用研究及量產研究)。未來五年的發展方向變化不大,仍是鎖定在應用研究、量產的部分;在技術方面,目前台灣LED封裝業處於技術引進階段,但逐步朝向利用技術改進獲利的階段邁進。另外,台灣在未來五年發展中,經過專家問卷統計結果分析,得出產業創新需求資源配合度顯著不足之產業創新需求資源有五項,分別是研究發展、研究環境、市場環境、人力資源和財務資源。 本研究根據專家訪談及問卷結果,分析出台灣LED封裝業發展最需要加強之政策工具為科學與技術開發、教育與訓練兩項,其中具體推動策略包括:鼓勵大學或研發機構與國外著名大學或研發機構合作開發,規劃舉辦國際光電產業展覽及研討會,吸取國外技術以提升國內研發水準,以獎勵措施鼓勵企業提供研究人員再培訓,提升LED產業之相關技術知識,放寬海外人才與兩岸人力交流限制、降低學校教授與產業界互通的門檻等,以供政府未來規劃政策參考。 This thesis reports on a strategic analysis for Taiwan’s Light Emitting Diode packaging industry, using an industrial portfolio model to assess competitive and strategic requirements for the development. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, containing technology life-cycle (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal). Three research methods are used for data collection which include literature review, expert interview, and general survey. Results point out that the industry is presently positioned at the technology acquisition stage of the technology life cycle, and the applied research phase of value chain. The future direction should aim at the applied and the production phases. And, the the future capability can not match the majority of the IIRs for LED packaging industry. Particularly, the IIRs of development of research, environment of research, market environment, human resources, and financial resources are need to be developed. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and policy tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments are “Scientific and Technical Development” and “Education”. The policy piorities should include international opto-electrical exhibition, assist and in the acquisition of foreign technology to improve quality of domestic R&D, encouraging the co-research between Taiwan university or research institute and foreign’s, raise LED packaging industrial related knowledge, lifting the restrictions on the mutual communication between Taiwan, China, and other country, decreasing the constraint on the mutual communication between academy and industry. Moreover, this research suggests that the government should establish industry-specific capital markets to facilitate the development. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77669 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |