標題: 緊鄰鐵路沿線移動式起重機具施工安全風險評估之研究
Study of Construction Safety & Risk Assessment for Movable Cranes Adjacent to Railway Area
作者: 陳柏震
Pour-Cheng Chen
Chun-Sheng Chen
關鍵字: 鐵路改建工程;施工安全;風險辨識;Railway Reconstruct Engineering;Construction Safety;Risk Identification
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 緊臨鐵路沿線改建工程因施工不慎,影響鐵路正常營運;尤其是吊掛作業,更易影響鐵路之行車安全,造成生命、財產、社會無論是有形或無形之鉅大損失,故本研究主要之內容,為緊臨鐵路沿線吊掛施工安全之風險辨識、風險評估、及災害防治三項。
Performing railway reconstruction work incautiously adjacent to the existing railway area will impact railway operation, especially crane lifting activity. It easily affects the safety of the train operation and causes losses to lives, property, and society, whatever visible or invisible. This study was focused on the risk identification, risk assessment, and damage prevention of movable crane adjacent to railway area.
Firstly, execute activity risk identification using statistical analysis of damage records caused by movable crane operating adjacent to railway area; in turn determine risk factors of lifting work safety. Main risk factors suggested are drivers’ lack of caution, mechanical malfunction, and surrounding closeness incurred encroachment upon railway clearance, or contact ultra-high 25KV electricity line when lifting materials, and railway service is interrupted, consequently. Utilizing error trees of lifting risks and fuzzy severity analysis to assess risks of damage occurrence, create lifting activity’s standard operation procedures (SOP) for railway reconstruction work. Integrate the results of lifting risk identification and assessment, afore-mentioned SOP to accomplish lifting activity safety’s risk assessment and response.
Finally, results and improvement suggestions concluded from risk assessment can be a reference and application for feeding back to construction stage as a means to reduce lifting activity’s risk uncertainty.


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