標題: 台灣地區大學生微積分學習態度的研究
A Study on University Students' Attitude toward Calculus Learning in Taiwan
作者: 黃冠仁
Guang-Zen Huang
Fu-Shiang Tsen
關鍵字: 學習態度;數學態度;微積分;微積分學習;微積分學習態度;learning attitude;mathematics attitude;calculus;calculus learning;calculus learning attitude
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究旨在探討我國(不含離島、東部地區、學院、科技大學)公私立大學修習微積分學生學習態度及其相關因素研究。為達此目的,首先蒐集國內外相關研究結果,從文獻探討建立的理論基礎,我們歸納出其內涵可分為:學習習慣、挑戰動機、自我效能、焦慮、有用性五大層面。找出其影響因素為:個人因素(性別、年級、就讀學院、微積分複習時間、上網時間、發問次數、討論對象、學期成績)及學校因素(公私立別、讀書環境、讀書風氣、教師教學方法、助教提供幫助)。進而以自編「我國大學生微積分學習態度調查問卷(學生版)」及「我國大學生微積分學習態度調查問卷(教師版)」為研究工具。將所得結果應用次數分配、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、肯證式因素分析(為了修正理論模式)等統計方法分析結果。 本研究採問卷調查法,以教育部高教司民國94年所列之全國(不含離島、東部地區、學院、科技大學)公私立大學,修習微積分之大學生(592人)為研究對象,教師版則以微積分教師(27人)為研究對象,進行抽樣調查。經分析探討獲得下列成果: 一、 本研究建構出一個具有穩定結構,信效度皆良好之大學生微積分學習態度問卷。 二、 修習微積分之大學生具有正向微積分學習態度,但學生與受試教師之間確實有觀點落差存在。 三、 在個人因素方面,微積分學習態度會因性別、學院、每週平均複習時間、每週平均發問次數及上學期成績不同而有差異。 四、 在學校因素方面,微積分學習態度會因教師教學方法及助教提供幫助不同而有差異。 最後本研究對學生、教師、助教、學校行政人員提出建設性之建議
The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between the attitude and its internal factors of calculus learning among university students in Taiwan. From theory and related research results we developed a questionnaire as a research tool. The internal factors of calculus learning that we choose are learning habits, challenge motivations, self-efficacy, anxiety,and usefulness. The influence factors that we take are either personal factors ( gender, school year, attribute of college, calculus studying time, internet time, the frequency of asking calculus questions per week, and calculus achievement of last semester )and school factors(public/private school, facility environment, studying environment, teachers’ teaching style and tutors’ help). We carried out the following statistical methods, frequency distribution, t test, independent t test, one-way ANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis (in order to revise the model ) . Our sampling survey objects are students (592) and teachers (27) who belong to universities in Taiwan(excluding remote islet, Eastern region), and(excluding university of Science and technology). The findings of this study are as follows: 1. We get a questionnaire with stable structure,and good reliability and validity . 2. The university students had positive calculus learning attitude,but there is a drop between student and teacher . 3. Regarding personal factors, there was a significant difference in calculus learning attitude in the following variables, gender, college, calculus studying time, the frequency of asking calculus questions per week, and calculus achievement of last semester. 4. School factors, a significant difference was found in the following variables, teachers’ teaching style, and tutors’ help. Finally,we proposed several constructive suggestions to students, teachers, tutors, and institutions respectively.


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