標題: | 台鐵站務員工處理安全危機之感認能力研究 A Study of Perceived Ability To Handle Safety Crises for TRA Station Staffs |
作者: | 黃 山 Huang Shan 張新立 Dr. Hsin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 鐵路事故;安全危機;應變能力;Rasch模式;railway accident;safety crisis;handling ability;Rasch model |
公開日期: | 2005 |
摘要: | 工業革命後,大量機械化造成勞工工作內容的枯燥與單調,人為因素所引發的工安意外事故也因此愈形增加。以往的經驗顯示工安意外事故的發生與人的因子有密切關係;且在意外產生之始,如果第一線的作業員工能即時做出正確的處置,將可大量減低意外災害的程度與範圍。由於軌道運輸系統具有大眾運輸的特性,速度快、運量大,因此一旦發生事故都相當嚴重。
在資料之分析上,本研究所採用之Rasch量測方法除能估算出每位受訪站務員工之安全危機處理能力外,更能排列出各種安全危機情況之相對處理難度。結果顯示,在『列車碰撞』、『火災意外』、『人為破壞』三類事故中,需要掌握事故或死傷者情況,向家屬及媒體說明時,此項步驟均屬該類型事故中相對最難的步驟。次要相對困難的步驟則包含有『向上通報』、『公路接駁』、『協助調度』及『發布資訊』等。而研究中也發現站長相對於副站長,高員級員工相對於員級員工有較高的感認能力,並可發現實務經驗的有無將可影響感認能力的高低。從本研究所獲得之研究結果除可提供台鐵一份站務員工之安全體檢報告外,更能做為未來台鐵規劃員工安全訓練內容之參考依據。 After industrial revolution, a wide range of mechanization makes labor work monotonous and boring, and the human factors become the important components affecting the industrial safety. We have learned from many industrial disaster cases that if the operator can respond with a prompt and appropriate reaction in time when an accident occurs, the loss or damage will be reduced to the minimum. This safety crisis handling ability is especially important for the railway system due to its high speed operation as well as heavy loading of passengers and freight. The safe research on the railway system has been focused on investigating the causes of accidents. However, few studies have been conducted to explore the effect of employee's reaction ability on the severity of accident occurrence. This study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of handling safety crisis for the station staffs of railway system and explore the difficulties of related taks for rescue when an accident occurs. Through the designed questionnaire, an empirical study was implemented by interviewing the station staffs of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) and 166 effective samples were collected for this study. The Rasch models were then applied to measure the safety crisis handling abilities of TRA station staffs when facing various types of accidents, and the difficulties of related rescue tasks were then identified. The study results showed that the safety crisis handling abilities were different between various groups of station staffs in terms of their age, education, and seniority. Furthermore, some rescue tasks were found to be more difficult than the others. This study really provided a set of valuable imformation for TRA to establish their training and education programs for accident prevention and rescue. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79427 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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