标题: 台灣晶圓測試產業競爭策略之研究-以A 公司為例
A Study of Competitive Strategy for Taiwan’s Wafer probing firms- The Case Study for A Company
作者: 黃正宗
关键字: 半導體;晶圓測試;IC測試;競爭策略;Semiconductor;wafer probing;IC testing;competitive strategy
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著半導體晶片尺寸邁入12吋的時代,半導體製程也由0.13微米,進入到90奈米、65奈米的世代。各半導體晶圓製造公司,不論是晶圓代工廠商或者是整合元件大廠,一方面需專精於12吋晶圓廠之建制、另一方面因12吋廠的資金需求高達600億以上,且隨著產品的功能越來越強,晶圓測試設備也越來越貴,而使得原本附屬於晶圓代工廠或整合元件廠的晶圓測試業務,逐年調高委外代工以重。因此,晶圓測試代工產業因此而生。
When the wafer size becomes 12 inches and the wafer process become 90nm or 65nm from 0.13um, the companies working as a semiconductor ones, no matter Foundry or IDM, need to put attention on how to build a 12 inches factory and also, it costs too much on a 12 inches factory. So, the wafer probing business used to accompany with IDM or Foundry was subcontracted to sub cons. So, the wafer probing industry is established recently according to this phenomenon.
This study starts with the analysis of assembly and testing industry, followed by analyzing the wafer probing industry. Through the analysis of a specified company by 5 forces and SWOT, provide suggestions to the companies that located at the growing new subcontracted environment on how to adjust the company strategy to fit the semiconductor’s boom circles.