标题: 先进型主控制室个人显示器介面管理作业之探讨
The study for Interface management tasks of VDUs in Advanced Control Room
作者: 王圣铨
关键字: 先进型主控制室;个人显示器;介面管理作业;Advanced Control Room;Video display units (VDUs);Interface management tasks
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 核能电厂运转员执行的主要作业为监视与控制,为了在电脑化的主控制室中执行这些作业,运转员必需执行次要作业,像显示页面的导览与工作站显示器的配置,这些称为“介面管理作业”。介面管理在某些情况下会需要过度的心智资源,使得主要作业绩效下降,进而影响电厂安全。

本研究以先进型核能电厂中,两个具有代表性的运转情节内容作为分析,为正常运转作业Turbine Startup及异常运转作业LOCA with LOOP,由熟悉介面团队及较不熟悉介面团队两组运转人员操作,以了解介面管理在不同情节及不同团队的差别。研究结果发现:(1)两组团队,执行正常运转作业或异常运转作业时,导览在VDU介面管理作业中,所占的比率都非常的高,表示运转员会经常的导览页面 (2)熟悉介面团队的介面管理作业次数较多,表示运转员熟悉介面后,能更熟练的在更种不同的资讯来源中转换,且收集较多的资讯。(3)按键层级模型KLM(keystroke level model),较不适合用来估计大型复杂系统的介面管理作业执行时间。
The primary tasks performed by nuclear power plant operators are process monitoring and control. To perform these tasks in a computer-based system, operators must perform secondary tasks such as navigating and configuring workstation displays. These are called “interface management tasks.” Demands associated with interface management tasks may be excessive under some circumstances and potentially affect plant safety.
In this study, two scenarios performed by experienced team and non-experienced team .we try to find out some difference between operator teams and scenarios. The results of this study are:(1)Both of experienced team and non-experienced team operation in normal or abnormal, use navigating in the interface management works usually.(2)Experienced team can change different interface to get more information proficiency. (3)The KLM(keystroke level model) is not appropriate tool to predict the execution time of interface management tasks in Large Complex System.