標題: 謠言澄清教學對國小四年級學童影響之初探─以Google為工具
The Effect of Rumor Distinguishing Educationon Fourth Grade Primary School Students - Using Google as the Tool
作者: 唐亦芳
Yi-Fang Tang
Jong-Eao Lee
關鍵字: 搜尋任務;網路謠言澄清教學;搜尋策略;網路經驗;searching task;rumor clarification education;searching strategies;internet experience
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究是探討實行網路謠言澄清教學對台北縣某國小四年級學生之影響,以及利用網際網路進行謠言澄清時,學生的網路經驗、有無接受過謠言澄清教學、搜尋策略以及網路澄清狀況間之相互關係。 為了了解這群國小四年級學生利用網際網路澄清網路謠言的情形,本研究提出兩個待澄清的問題,一為真,令一為假,請受試學生利用網路搜尋資料後,將資料書寫於學習單上,並以軟體完整記錄下來,以做為分析學生搜尋策略之用。本研究的有效樣本為69人,透過問卷方式了解這69位受試學生的網路經驗類似,學習成就以及批判思考能力也相當。 本研究發現:受過謠言澄清教學之學生對於新資訊皆抱持著懷疑的態度,不會輕易相信接收到的新資訊,利用網路網路澄清謠言時也較能分辨網路資訊的合理性與可用性。未受過謠言澄清教學的學生,對於新資訊大多會抱持相信的態度,對於網路呈現的資訊品質很少去評估,就算給予搜尋工具,也無法善用工具澄清謠言,甚至會受網路上錯誤資訊誤導,就搜尋策略來看,未接受過謠言澄清教學的學生,瀏覽每個網頁的時間極為短暫,對網頁內容並無仔細評估。本研究認為在此資訊爆炸的時代中,謠言澄清教學扮演著舉足輕重的角色,如何將此教學落實於當今教育裡是未來重要的研究方向。
This paper delineates the effect of rumor distinguishing education on fourth grade students in a primary school in Taipei County. And, withal, this research investigates the correlation among the student's Internet experience, rumor distinguishing education, search strategy, and their answer to the experiment tasks. In order to analyze the rumor researching pattern which are used by these students, two rumor identification tasks were given; one is true, and the other one is false. The students were asked to search information on the Internet and write the answer down on a paper. The students' Internet searching behaviors were recorded by software from beginning to end. There are 69 valid samples in this experiment. From the questionnaire, these 69 students have similar Internet usage experience, academic achievement, and critical thinking skills. The result of this research shows the students who had rumor distinguishing education are skeptical to new information, and they do not blindly believe the new information given to them. In the mean time, they are capable of discerning the rationality and usability of the information from the Internet while doing the rumor researching tasks. However, the students who have never done the rumor distinguishing education are tend to believe new information given to them, and they hardly evaluate the authenticity of the information from the Internet. They can not utilize the tools to distinguish rumors. Further more, they can be misled by bogus information on the Internet. In the information explosion era, rumor distinguishing education is crucial. How to implement this education is an important research topic in the future.
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