標題: 解讀聯發科的成長密碼
An Analysis of Mediatek's Growth Strategy
作者: 林柏全
Po-Chuan Lin
Chi-Kuo Mao
關鍵字: 成長策略;核心能力;破壞性創新;分形理論;技術採用生命週期;價值鏈演進;Core Competence;Growth Strategy;Fractal Theory;Disruptive Innovation;Technology Adoption Life Cycle;Value Chain Evolution
公開日期: 2007
摘要:   聯發科目前是台灣排名第一大,全球排名第七大的IC設計公司,在光儲存晶片市場的市佔率是全球第一,在Bur-ray DVD、手機、數位電視晶片市場,則是快速的切入並在近期內以極高的成長率竄升到市場的領先地位。因此,本研究將探索聯發科在各個產品線的發展歷程,在其看似錯綜複雜的企業成長過程中,以宏觀的角度、微觀的方式,由發散到收斂,歸納發覺其迅速成長的內在潛規則。   本研究發現,聯發科各個產品線皆有其固定的發展模式。首先,在每個產品線的發展上,聯發科都不是先行者,而是後進者,在「技術採用生命週期」已經跨越『鴻溝』後,市場即將掀起『龍捲風暴』的時間點附近,聯發科才切入市場。   其次,身為後進者的聯發科,在切入市場後,能夠進而成為市場領導者,主要是以「持續性創新」與「破壞性創新」作為其策略,並透過「價值鏈演進重組」,擴展其價值鏈,改寫IC設計公司與系統廠之間原有的遊戲規則,提升系統廠自身的競爭力。   而聯發科的創新成功,歸因於聯發科本身的「核心能力」,其發展則是來自於聯發科本身的技術研發,或是透過併購、技術授權、技術合作所發展出來的。聯發科並將上述的成功模式,不斷在後續的各個產品線「分形複製」並取得成功。   因此,解讀聯發科的成長策略,可以從「技術採用生命週期」、「破壞性創新理論」、「價值鏈演進理論」、「核心能力」等理論模組加以詮釋,並以「分形理論」的原則,將其策略模組不斷複製,形成ㄧ套獨特且競爭者難以模仿的成功模式。此一模式亦可提供給知識密集度高、技術門檻高的高科技產業,做為未來制定成長策略之參考,此一對於企業成長策略的實證研究,亦是本研究之主要貢獻。
Presently, Mediatek is the largest fabless IC design house in Taiwan. In 2007, is the 7th largest fabless design house in the world, and its optical storage chipset shipment ranked no. 1. Product lines of Bur-ray DVD chipset, mobile phone chipset and digital TV chipset were time to market and achieved leading positions in a short time effectively. The theme of this thesis is to decrypt the hidden formula of Mediatek’s growth strategy. According to this study, there development model between product lines of Mediatek is identical. Firstly, Mediatek is not at all the first-mover. Instead, it is a follower. During technology adoption life cycle, Mediatek always entered markets after the stage of ‘crossing the chasm’ and before the stage of ‘tornado’. Secondly, Mediatek’s strategy was ‘sustaining innovation’ and ‘disruptive innovation’. Mediatek took restructuring and developing value chain, changed the original rule of the game between IC design house and manufacturing executing system (MES), it upgraded the competitiveness of MES itself. The success of innovation was due to ‘core competence’ of Mediatek. Its core competence was gained and developed from the following: internal R&D, company acquisition, collaborative development and warrant technology utilization. Mediatek applied the same success model and succeed in the following product lines. The growth strategy of Mediatek can be decrypted in the models of ‘Technology Adoption Life Cycle’, ‘Disruptive Innovation Theory’, ‘Value Chain Evolution Theory’ and ‘Core Competence’. The strategy models were repeated and formed a success model, which is unique and hard to be duplicated by competitors. The models can be references for future growth strategies in high technology industry which is knowledge-intensive and technical supportive. The findings of this thesis are informative to the study of corporate growth strategies.
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