Title: IFC資料標準應用於河川整治工程之探討
The study of IFC applied to the River Regulation Work
Authors: 陳照傑
Chen, Jaw-Jye
Hung, Shih-Lin
Keywords: IFC;PCCES;河川整治工程;IFC;PCCES;River Regulation Work
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近來,營建工程生命週期資訊之電腦化、數據描述標準化技術(如 STEP及IFC標準等)及規範逐漸成熟。房屋建築資訊模型(BIM)即是以IFC為基礎之房屋建築生命週期資訊整合系統,結合3D繪圖軟體,讓生命週期之各階段資訊可以清楚的展示與操作,惟其建構標的係為結構、建築及水電管線等領域,並未及於河川整治工程部分。河川整治工程與一般土木建築工程屬性雖差異很大,惟其也面臨工程資訊流通及協調問題,故本研究係以河川整治工程為研究議題,並以河川整治保護工常用之異型混凝土塊(元鼎塊、三腳空心混凝土塊)及田字型沉箱為探討目標。本研究係以支援IFC交換格式之繪圖軟體進行建立河川整治工程常用之異型混凝土塊(5T元鼎塊、10T三腳空心混凝土塊)及田字型沉箱實體模型族群,據以進行工程布置並匯出IFC檔案,另運用最新公共工程物價資料政府機關通用工程預算軟體PCCES及基本物價資料庫匯出工項價格資料,再運用自行撰寫的C++程式分別分析算出IFC檔案中自建建築元件5T元鼎塊、10T三腳空心混凝土塊及田字型沉箱數量、工項價格資料檔案,之後進行運算算出依目前最新物價工程專案所需工項總經費。藉由模擬案例測試,證實結合IFC、BIM與PCCES系統,應用於河川整治工程工程預算估算是可行的。
Recently, data description standardization of technologies (such as STEP and IFC standards) and the specification is getting develops. Based on the IFC, building information modeling (BIM) is a building life-cycle information integration system. Combining 3D visuals software, information at all stages of the life cycle of buildings can clearly be presented and operated. Currently, BIMs aim mostly on stages of building construction, has not extended to the domain of river regulation. River engineering and civil construction engineering properties vary greatly, but also facing engineering information exchange and coordination complications. Therefore, this work aims on applying IFC and BIM on river regulation work and focusing on commonly used energy dispassion structures, hexa-hollow tri-leg structure and Tin-shaped caissons. The abstract information of these structures was defined and created via IFC and shared to 3D drawing system. The cost of hexa-hollow tri-leg structure and Tin-shaped caissons was then computed based on PCCES system and IFC information. Herein, for a river regulation project, the arrangement of energy dispassion structures were determined and presented on an IFC based drawing system and can be easily export to other applications. A C++ program is utilized to parse these IFC files and calculate the number of energy dispassion structures, including 5T and 10T hexa-hollow tri-leg structures and Tin-shaped caissons. Finally, based on the cost generated via PCCES system, the overall project budge was produced according to the newly price of construction materials. The simulation results reveal that integrating of IFC, BIM, and PCCES system on project budge estimation on river regulation project is feasible.
Appears in Collections:Thesis