DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShing-Gwo Wangen_US
dc.contributor.authorRen-Jye Dzengen_US
dc.description.abstract政府為引進高科技產業及人才、促進我國產業昇級,於民國69成立「新竹科學工業園區」,以提供高科技廠商入區設廠營運。經過多年的努力,新竹科學工業園區已成為我國高科技產業重鎮,帶動國內產業發展,並為世界上發展成功的科學園區之一,不僅吸引眾多國內外貴賓及媒體來訪,也成為經濟學及城鄉發展學者探討的範例。 高科技產業營運首重技術與商機,科學工業園區開發建設進度是否符合園區廠商需要,將影響其商機與投資設廠意願。科學工業園區開發工程,於設計前若能有效分標,將有利於整體開發進度之推動,如期提供高科技廠商建廠及量產營運需要,以確保我國高科技產業競爭優勢。 本研究蒐集工程分標相關文獻及科學工業園區開發工程實際分標案例,彙整出科學工業園區開發工程分標原則評估因素,計有6大目標屬性構面及21項評估因素,並對參與科學工業園區開發人員進行專家問卷調查,分析歸納出科學工業園區開發工程分標原則評估因素權重與排序。獲致6大目標屬性構面重要性排序,依序為「需要用地時程」、「應先施做項目」、「工程專業類別」、「施工界面整合」、「標案規模大小」、「配合其他作業」,並提出科學工業園區開發工程分標計畫審查作業流程建議。 我國科學工業園區開發建設,後續將進行銅鑼、龍潭、宜蘭、高雄、后里等科學工業園區開發,本研究成果,可供後續科學工業園區開發,或其他類似大型土地開發工程分標作業參考。並建議將來研究者能繼續紀錄後續科學工業園區開發工程分標經驗並予傳承,並依各園區特性檢核本研究所歸納出分標評估因素及優先次序之可行性,及訂定出科學工業園區開發工程分標相關作業準則,明確規範科學工業園區開發工程分標作業準則,以減少行政作業疏漏。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe government of Taiwan established the Hsinchu Science Park in 1980 to attract high-tech talents and promote domestic industries. The Hsinchu Science Park has become the high-tech powerhouse of Taiwan and turned out to be one of the most successful science parks in the world. Success of the Hsinchu Science Park has attracted visits to it by global journalists, distinguished guests, and experts in the fields of economics and metropolitan development science. Technologies and business chances are major concerns for high-tech industry development. Whether or not the infrastructure progress of a science park meets the demands of factories in the park will affect the business chances of the factories and investors' willingness to put in money. If construction works in a science park are carefully planned with effective procurement packages, the development of the park as a whole will be facilitated, which, in turn, will meet the needs of high-tech companies for constructing factories and mass production. Thus, Taiwan will remain on the cutting edge of high-tech development. This study collects cases of procurement packages of construction works at the Hsinchu Science Park and reviews related literatures. It summarizes 21 evaluation factors in 6 different categories in decisions of procurement packages. Questionnaire survey on Park development experts further identifies weight and ranking of the evaluation factors in the six categories. The study concludes the priority as follows: land use demanding schedule, construction work orders, professional work categories, integration of construction interfaces, scale of procurement packages, and other coordination works. Suggestions for procurement package decision-making process are given thereafter. Results of this study act as useful references for procurement package decision-making process of important construction works, especially applicable for new science park development in Tongluo, Longtan, Yilan, Kaohsiung, Holi, etc. Follow-up studies of similar large-scale land development procurement packages are suggested to keep records of park procurement packages decision-making process and to provide valuable references for stipulating related acts and regulations, so as to prevent related administrative errors.en_US
dc.subjectDecisions of Procurement Packagesen_US
dc.subjectDecisions Factoren_US
dc.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)en_US
dc.titleA Study on Decisions of Procurement Packages for Infrastructure Development of the Science Research Industrial Parken_US


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