標題: 北埔老街觀光發展興起與變遷-歷史人文、古蹟建築、產業經濟之分析
The Vicissitudes of Beipu’s Tourist Industry-An Analysis of Beipu’s Historic Culture, Ancient Architecture, and Local Economy
作者: 魏文彬
Wei, Wen-Pen
Huang, shaw-hern
關鍵字: 觀光;北埔;金廣福;擂茶;膨風茶;Tourism;Beipu;Jinguangfu;Ground tea;pengfeng tea
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 摘要 本研究之主要目的為針對北埔地區對遊客的文化觀光吸引力,以及北埔地區觀光業主對於觀光衝擊之應變與永續發展經營為範疇作分析,探討北埔觀光發展形成之因素、觀光發展政策之影響、觀光發展之傾向與問題,以及未來如何永續發展經營作為研究主軸,並利用對北埔的觀光產業相關業主、遊客與居民的訪談與問卷調查之統計資料,用以分析北埔目前觀光發展的現況、觀光發展傾向、觀光發展之危機與探討未來觀光發展方向。 台灣本島自觀光發展以來,國內旅遊在遊客心中樹立的形象,往往侷限於看景、購物、吃喝與趕車,比起國外旅遊行程的多元性、節慶性、季節性,相對遜色不少。因此文化觀光產業的萌芽在此背景下孕育而生,其觸角迅速延伸至每個鄉鎮觀光區域,地方文化創意產業因而紛紛興起,利用當地人文特色包裝旅遊行程成為新興的潮流,古老街道與聚落也因此找到再生之新契機。 本論文前兩章為研究緒論與分析北埔觀光資源概況,第三章則探討北埔觀光發展之過程與模式,第四章針對北埔觀光產業現況與問題研究分析,第五章為研究總結與建議,期望本論文的研究成果與訪查資訊,能作為未來北埔相關研究之參考,除了提供觀光產業發展解析運用外,也希望藉以成為研究北埔客家文化與觀光發展,最好的研究內容與引述參考範例。
English Abstract This thesis is intended to explore the vicissitudes of Beipu’s tourist industry, analyzing its impacts on Beipu’s local industry, studying the critical factors in shaping Beipu’s cultural tourism and its local policies, and examining its current problems and potential development in the future. By employing the strategies of questionnaires and interviewing the local people, the local shop owners, and tourists, I collect supportive information in aid of my researching. The conventional domestic tourist pattern in Taiwan, a series of sightseeing, eating, shopping, and taking pictures in a rush, is stereotyped and banal compared to foreign multifarious tours which are designed in accordance with foreign specific seasons, festivals, and cultures. Under the circumstances, the desire of improving the quality of the domestic tours has envisioned the burgeoning of cultural tourism. This new concept soon has been spread over and regarded by the local as a main strategy in developing the local tourist industry. New tour packages appealing to tourists for unique cultural experience have formed a popular trend; and by promoting the local culture, some oblivious villages and countries have again rejuvenated and prospered. This thesis is divided into five chapters. In the former two chapters, I illustrate my approach methods and discuss the background of Beipu’s tourist industry and resources. Chapter three examines its developed processes and patterns. Chapter four deals with the current problems it has encountered. Chapter five ends this thesis with some conclusions and suggestions. I expect that my work provides the understandings of Beipu’s Hakka tradition and its cultural tourist development, and that this study is also one of the worthy references for any further Beipu’s related researching.


  1. 050901.pdf
  2. 050902.pdf

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