標題: 創新服務的共設計方法研究
Co-Design Method for Service Innovation
作者: 孫菁妏
Sun, Ching-Wen
Deng, Yi-Shin
關鍵字: 服務設計;共設計;設計方法;使用者導向創新;co-design;service design;methodology;user-driven innovation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 服務無所不在的存在生活中,當使用網路銀行,購買高鐵車票,在星巴克喝咖啡,服務平台與系統正以各式各樣的互動方式支援著人們的各種生活需求。隨著數位時代的來臨,科技的進步賦予了服務業新使命,也開始顛覆人們對服務的想像,因為各種科技的應用,使取得服務的方式變得更多元也更複雜,人們有了更多的機會去選擇真正能滿足需求的服務,而服務創新的契機就在於掌握人們的使用目標,並且考量使用者的使用經驗。
U-Service 的內容為共設計方法的實施指南,提供設計師與使用者合作服務設計的做法。透過有效實行U-Service三階段的方法(準備階段,設計工作坊階段,結果整理階段),與激發想像力的設計工具應用,設計師與使用者在工作坊中,直接的交流意見,互相了解不同的想法,而良好的溝通方式也帶來了更好的設計品質。
Technological developments have a profound influence on people’s lives, and introduce the prospect of diverse new service developed to provide users with a higher quality of life. Unfortunately, a number of technologies remain new to most users, and services that adopt these high-end technologies often confused users or make them uneasy. These services are meant to help people to accomplish their goals, but it doesn't necessarily turn out the way they expected. To create services that fulfill the needs of users, designers must listen to those needs, and take those needs into consideration.
This study aims to develop a co-design method, enabling designers to uncover the inner demands of users. n addition, we unravel the difficulties faced by designers and users in the co-design process, and explore methods for developing processes. In addition, we establish U-Service, a method for implementing co-design based on the theory and methods of participatory design.
The three main stages of this study are developed through the process of experimentation. First, the exploration stage focuses on the difficulties involved in co-design. Next, we propose an initial method to overcome these difficulties, and test it for further modification in the second stage. Finally, we propose our U-Service in the finalization stage.
U-Service is a method for guiding the implementation of co-design for the development of ideas inspired by user insight. The entire process comprises three stages. Through this three-stage (preparation, workshop, and organization) procedure, a better understanding is developed, and trust between the designer and user is established. As a result, a better design outcome can be achieved. This study is dedicated to developing a co-design method for service designers today and the proposed U-Service method is explained in detail. In addition, an illustrative case study is also provided.


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