標題: TDD 作為供應商管理績效指標-以光電業中觸控面版之導電玻璃廠A公司為例
Research on using TDD as the supplier performance index - A Case Study of A Indium-Tin Oxide Glass Company for Touch Panel application
作者: 龔能嘉
Kung, Neng-Chia
Li, Rong-Kwei
關鍵字: 供應商評量;限制理論;有效產出-元-天;績效評估;Supplier evaluation;Theory of Constraints;Throughput-Dollar-Days;Performance evaluation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 如何透過一個更好的方式來評量供應商,使得個案公司可以有更好的整體績效,是本研究之主要動機。個案公司的供應商評量指標有下列的幾項問題:(1) 現有的模式是藉由半年度供應商考核來進行評價,但是因為評核間隔時間太長,無法即時了解供應商交貨效率。(2) 合格供應商的鑑定,僅在初期評量,會讓它產生怠惰(因為成為合格供應商後,就不需要再進行相關的審核)。(3) 與供應商互動太弱,無法比較哪一個供應商的表現對個案公司有較大的幫助及彈性。研究結果顯示,個案公司原有評量方式會造成管理者在評估績效時落入過度重視局部績效的陷阱,而使用限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)所提出的績效評估方式—有效產出-元-天(Throughput-Dollar-Days, TDD),不僅能避免因為重視局部績效問題,更能夠為管理者在進行績效評估時提供快速且明確的改善方向。
How to use a better assessment making the case company to have a good performance in supplier’s measurement, it is also the motivation of this research. But there are several issues when the case company doing supplier’s measurement currently: (1) supplier’s performance measured periods are 6 months and it is too long to figure out the actual delivery efficiency of supplier. (2) Identification of qualified suppliers, just only in the initial measurement result, the supplier will get lazy. (3) The interaction between case company & suppliers are too weak, it can’t show which supplier can have more help and flexibility for case company. According to the findings of study, case company’s original way will make manager falling into the trap of local efficiency. By using TOC TDD way that not only avoiding local efficiency problems but also making manager to get the direction of improvement quickly.


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