Title: 台灣利基型記憶體設計公司競爭力分析–以Z公司為例
Strategy Analysis of Taiwanese Niche Memory IC design Companies – A Case Study on Company Z
Authors: 吳俊賢
Wu, Chun-Hsien
Keywords: 利基型記憶體;IC設計;SWOT分析;五力分析;niche DRAM;IC design;SWOT;Five force analysis
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: DRAM產業是台灣科技業不可或缺的一環,近年來,隨著消費性電子產品和行動裝置如:平面電視、智慧型手機、平板電腦等的發展,利基型DRAM漸受重視,所占整體DRAM產業的比重也愈來愈高。隨著愈來愈多的台灣記憶體製造廠轉型至利基型DRAM產業,使得產業內的競爭日益激烈,台灣的利基型DRAM IC設計廠必須明瞭產業發展趨勢和競爭態勢,維持競爭優勢並擬定競爭策略,以因應競爭激烈的產業環境。 本研究經由相關利基型DRAM文獻之收集整理,以了解利基型記憶體IC設計產業的五力競爭態勢和發展趨勢,再進一步以SWOT方法分析某個案公司之優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅,藉由個案公司的實務研究,整理出個案公司未來的可行發展方向,為該個案公司提供實際可行的策略執行操作,對實務上有實質參考價值。
DRAM industry is one of the most important parts of technology industry in Taiwan. In recent years, the technology industry is expanding and anticipating growth in consumer electronics by the booming popularity of LCD TV, smart phone and tablet devices. Hot sales of these products have made niche DRAM the main driving force of the DRAM market. Niche DRAM has been one of the rising stars in the memory sector. Many Taiwan DRAM makers strategically transform to the operations of niche DRAM products. It make niche DRAM market becoming more competitive. This article will analyze the IC design industry of niche DRAM and key suppliers in the world and in Taiwan by collecting secondary data and literatures. In the following, we will determine the competitive situation of case company by using SWOT analysis and Porter’s five competitive force of competitive strategy. In the end, this research makes some suggestions for case company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis