標題: 以專案知識為基礎建構專案管理平台
Developing a Project Management Platform based on Project Knowledge
作者: 吳榮助
Wu, Jung-Chu
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 專案管理;知識管理;專案管理知識體系;Project Management;Knowledge Management;Project Management Body of Knowledge
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 專案管理近年來已逐漸受到各界的重視,國內學習現代專案管理的人亦逐漸增多。除了國內許多大專院校開設專案管理相關課程,國內的企業與組織,基於本身的需要,以及察覺外在環境的改變,也陸續安排與規劃專案管理實例的教育訓練,加深員工對專案知識的瞭解及體會。然而,各企業有其不同的背景與文化,訓練所得之知識是否能落實應用於軟體專案實務中;再者,在軟體開發專案的領域,可能因企業或組織對用語定義的不同,結果造成微妙的差異而衍生問題與困擾。 這個資訊爆炸且科技迅速的時代,資訊科技與工具已成為協助我們完成工作及解決問題的重要工具,這種趨勢在實現軟體開發專案領域上也不例外,適當的資訊軟體工具,針對企業本身的特質,量身訂做適合企業推行的專案管理標準流程,將可提高專案管理的績效。 本研究的主要目的是將「知識管理」觀念融入「專案管理」,參照「專案管理知識體系(Project Management Body of Knowledge,PMBOK)」,提出一專案管理平台架構,並試行於本研究中之個案公司,透過資訊技術,使資訊部門人員對於專案工作的執行,都能依照標準程序來進行。而且專案成員有共同的工作語言,所以可以根據共同的知識架構、使用共通的資訊平台,專案過程透過基礎的專案知識與相關輔助工具,彼此溝通、改善解決問題、蓄積公司組織的專案知識。
In recent years, project management has gradually gained the attention of many fields, and the domestic study of modern project management has gradually increased. In addition to the many colleges and universities offering project management courses, domestic companies and organizations, based on their own needs, as well as desired ability to detect changes in the external environment, are also arranging training and planning project management courses to enhance employees' understanding of project knowledge and experience. However, as companies have different backgrounds and cultures, training through knowledge software can be implemented in project practice. Furthermore, in the field of software project development, due to businesses or organizations differing in their definition of terms, these subtle differences result in problems. This era of information explosion and rapid technological changes, information technology has become an important tool to help us complete the required work and problem-solving. This trend in software project development is no exception; the appropriate information software tool tailor-made for enterprises to implement project management standard processes will be able to improve project management performance. The main purposes of this study include: employing the concept of "knowledge management" into the "project management", with reference to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Project Management Body of Knowledge, the PMBOK), proposing project management platform architecture, and completing a pilot study on the case company regarding information technology. The IT department staff used for the implementation of the project work can follow the standard procedure. The project members have a common working language, so they can use a common information platform based on common knowledge architecture, in an ad hoc process based on project knowledge and tools, to communicate with each other to improve problem-solving and accumulate more ad hoc knowledge of company organization.