Title: 兩岸資訊服務業合作或投資之現況與分析
Situation and Analysis for the Cooperation or Investment of Information Service Industry Between Taiwan and Mainland China
Authors: 關耀煌
Kuan Yao-Huang
Liu Shang-Jyh
Keywords: 資訊服務業;兩岸;合作;Information Service Industry;Taiwan;Mainland China;Cooperation
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 兩岸資訊服務業合作或投資是近年來最熱門的話題之一,本研究率先對此
做深入之探討。研究目的有三: (1) 瞭解兩岸資訊服務業合作之環境促
(2) 找出台灣廠商有效利用大陸資源之方案,以提昇本身之競爭優勢。
(3) 結合台商之競爭優勢與大陸市場機會,尋找台商在大陸之發展空間。
資時,選擇模式之偏好為:非股權合作 > 獨資 > 合資 > 合作經營其
In recent years, for information service industry to cooperate
or invest between Taiwan and Mainland China is one of the most
popular topics. This study is the very first one that goes
into details systematically on such topic. Three purposes
concern on this study: (1) To get knowledge of environmental
factors which directly promote the cooperation between Taiwan
and Mainland China, and the motives and behavior of firms To
suggest to ROC's relative governmental departments for making
policies to Mainland China (2) For Taiwanese firms, to look for
better developing space in Mainland China with the combination
of competitive advantages ces (3) To find out the effetcive
ways to promote Taiwanese firms' own competitive advantages
with using Mainland Chinese resources The sources of this study
includes: relative Chinese reference, telephone visit, and
questionnaires from III (Institute for Information Industry).
First of all, we put all data in order. We find out that the
motives of Taiwainese firms to cooperate or invest in Mainland
China focus on human resources and market of Mainland China,
and the preference of choosing models of Taiwanese firms to
cooperate or invest in Mainland China is as follows: non-equity
cooperation > wholly owned enterprise > equity jointrative
joint venture . Second, we compare and analyze the value
activities of Taiwainese and Mainland Chinses firms with value
chain model. Then we show the key points and ways of using
Mainland Chinese resources, and the major competitive
advanatages of Taiwanese firms. There are four ways to use the
resources of human and technology of Mainland China. They are
software outsourcing, setting a product development center,
product/technology cooperation, and setting a R&D center. Last,
we study the threats and opportunities of market in Mainalnd
China for Taiwanese firms with three segments: banking
automation, commerce automation, and software package.
Appears in Collections:Thesis