標題: 民俗宗教與海嘯災區旅遊意願
Folk Religion and Intention of Traveling to the Tsunami-Affected Destinations
作者: 莊淑婷
Shu-Ting Chuang
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 民俗宗教;海嘯災區;知覺風險;社會規範;folk religion;tsunami-affected destinations;perceived risk;social norms
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 2004年12月26日發生南亞大海嘯,南亞海嘯重創海嘯災區的旅遊業,災後觀光客人數銳減。雖然重建工作已經陸續完成,但是亞洲觀光客回籠的比率卻遠遠低於西方的遊客。亞洲觀光客為什麼抗拒前往海嘯災區旅遊的原因就非常值得探討。本研究提出民俗宗教信仰會顯著影響亞洲觀光客前往海嘯災區旅遊的意願。本研究蒐集了652份有效問卷,並運用線性結構模式進行分析。資料分析發現,民俗宗教和社會規範顯著影響觀光客對海嘯災區的知覺風險;知覺風險和社會規範則顯著影響觀光客對海嘯災區之旅遊意願。最後,根據研究結果,對海嘯災區政府及觀光業者提出理論及實務上的建議。
In the aftermath of the devastating Asian tsunami which occurred on the 26th of December 2004, the number of tourists visiting the affected resorts was significantly reduced, thus severely damaging the regional tourist industry. With reconstruction of tsunami-affected destinations almost complete, Asian tourists have been much slower to return to the affected destinations than Western tourists. Why many Asian tourists have been reluctant to visit the tsunami-affected areas after the disaster deserves careful scrutiny. This study proposes that folk religion significantly influences tourist intentions to travel to tsunami-affected destinations. The study data were collected from a sample of 652 potential tourists in Taiwan. Analysis using structural equation modeling reveals that both folk religion (i.e., beliefs in ghosts, ancestor worship and taboos) and social norm significantly and positively affect tourist perceptions of risk associated with travel to tsunami-affected destinations. Moreover, tourist risk perceptions and social norms in turn significantly negatively affect their intention to visit tsunami-affected destinations. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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