標題: 民眾對電視廣告之態度
Public Attitudes toward Television Advertising
作者: 楊慧玲
Yang Huei Ling
Huang Jen Hung
關鍵字: 電視廣告;廣告;問卷調查;Television Advertising;Advertising;Survey
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本研究探討民眾對於電視廣告的一般性評價,希望透過研究結果供廣告業 者在經營決策上作為依據,以及未來研究之參考o 本研究利用郵寄問卷法 搜集資料,採取分層隨機抽樣法取得樣本,共郵寄1,000份問卷,回收237份 有效問卷o對於所收集到的資料以SPSS 電腦軟體加以統計分析,經由本研 究之調查結果,有如下之發現: 1.受測民眾對於目前電視廣告的整體性評 價大部份乃抱持著 " 混雜性 " @ (mixed)且偏肯定的態度,有51.1% 的民 眾對於電視廣告 " 有些喜歡又 @ 有些不喜歡 ",只有 18.6% 的民眾表示 不喜歡電視廣告o 2.近八成的民眾肯定電視廣告有提供資訊的功能,但也 有近五成的民眾對 @ 於電視廣告所介紹的產品購買信心不高o 3.受測者 最喜歡的電視廣告類別前三名依次為:(1)航空觀光類; (2)日用 @ 化□ 類;(3)食品飲料類,而醫藥類則名列為民眾最不喜歡及最不相信的 @ 電視 廣告類別o 4.民眾對於電視廣告的資訊性.愉悅性.可信度 等的正面評價 高於報紙廣 @ 告.雜誌廣告以及廣播廣告三大媒體廣告o This article studies public assessment of television advertising in general. It is hoped that the results obtained from this investigation would serve as a basis for operation for the advertising industry. The mailed questionnaire method is adopted to collect data needed. The survey was mailed to 1,000 respondents based on the stratified random sampling meghod. Among them, 237 usable surveys were returned. The computer software SPSS was used to analyze the data obtained. Based on the analysis, the following conclusions are made: 1. The majority of respondents have "mixed" and positive feelings about television advertising. 51.1% of the respondents "either like or disike" TV advertising, and only 18.6% of the respondebts dislike TV advertising. 2. About 80% of the respondents believe that TV advertising provides product- information. When making a buying decision, approximately 50% of the respondents lack sufficient confidence about the products advertised on TV. 3. The three categories of TV advertising puoducts the respondents like best are: (1) Aviation and tourism; (2) Cosmetics; and (3) Foods and drinks. The most unbelieved and disliked category of TV commercial is the drug advertising. 4. The respondents perceived that TV commercials are more informative and less irritating than newspaper, magazine and ratio advertising.