標題: 矽鍺製程之低漏電流二極體串聯電路及其在靜電放電防護上之應用
Design on the Low-Leakage-Current Diode String for ESD Protection in SiGe BiCMOS Process
作者: 吳偉琳
Woei-Lin Wu
Ming-Dou Ker
關鍵字: 矽鍺製程;Low-Leakage-Current Diode String
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本篇論文主旨在設計適用於矽鍺製程之靜電放電防護電路。所提出的新型電路可以有效地降低二極體串產生的漏電流問題,且具有高的靜電放電防護能力。本篇論文分為三大部分,透過實驗的量測以及理論的推導來驗證所提出的新型設計。
The aim in this thesis is to design the ESD protection circuits in SiGe BiCMOS process. In this design, the leakage current of the diode string can be effectively reduced and a high ESD robustness can be achieved. There are three parts in this thesis.
The first part investigates the ESD robustness of the diodes and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) by different device structures and layout parameters. The transmission line pulse generator (TLPG) is also used to investigate the characteristics of these devices under high-current stress. In addition, the ESD robustness of HBTs for low-voltage, high-voltage, and high-speed applications are also investigated.
For the traditional diode string, the parasitic p-n-p bipolar junction transistor (BJT) devices in the diode string will induce a large leakage current into the substrate, especially under high temperature condition. In the second part, a new diode structure in SiGe process is proposed and low-leakage-current diode string (LLCDS) is formed by this new diode structure. Furthermore, the leakage current of LLCDS can be effectively reduced by extra circuit design. Because the diode string is designed to sustain the ESD stress under forward-biased condition, a high ESD robustness can be achieved in a small silicon layout area.
In the third part, the optimum design on the circuit to minimize the leakage current of LLCDS as the power-rail ESD clamp circuit is evaluated by calculating the physical formulas of the parasitic devices in the diode string and the simulation results. The experimental results are also performed to verify the simulation results. Furthermore, the second design on the diode string as the power-rail ESD clamp circuit is proposed to further reduce the leakage current. In addition, the power-rail ESD clamp circuit with new diode string as the trigger circuit of HBT is also proposed and verified.
In summary, LLCDS as the power-rail ESD clamp circuit are developed in SiGe process with low leakage current and high ESD robustness. Each of the design has been successfully verified in the testchips and also published in the international conference papers.


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