標題: 捷運車站乘客動線人流模式與干擾量度之研究
The Study on the Relationship Between the Conflict of Passenger’s Moving Path and Pedestrian Flow Characteristics in MRT Station
作者: 林廉凱
Lien-kai Lin
Shoei-Uei Wu
關鍵字: 干擾;乘客動線;人流;捷運車站;conflict;passenger's moving path;pedestrian flow;MRT station
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 捷運車站在捷運系統中扮演著集中、分散乘客的重要節點,都市中心地區捷運系統多採用地下設計,地下車站除了應為逃生、避難措施提供一良好的乘客疏散動線設計之外,在營運上也應考慮以簡捷、流暢、避免動線衝突為原則的動線設計,以提供乘客迅速、流暢的進出捷運車站,可增加車站整體運作成效並提高民眾對捷運的服務滿意度。捷運車站往往於尖峰時刻湧入大量乘客,尤其重要轉車站有進站、出站與轉乘等不同路線之乘客,在車站進出口、驗票閘門、走道、走道交會口、電扶梯入口處……等區域常常發生擁擠現象,乘客行走動線亦相當混亂,往往乘客自身的行走速率必須減慢、亦不斷變換行走方向,以避免與他人發生碰撞、推擠,彼此動線相互干擾的情況非常頻繁。本研究鑑於國內鮮少對於捷運車站乘客動線干擾方面之研究,乃參考國內外相關研究,將捷運車站內乘客動線視為節線(路段)與節點(路口)之路網,乃從走道著手進行人流特性與干擾特性分析,並研析相關關係及建立模式,分析過程中使用攝影觀察及現場調查獲取原始的人流與干擾資料。本研究的理論基礎主要來自文獻評析及捷運車站乘客動線之觀察分析而得,分別採用巨觀的面積法、帶寬法及微觀的刺激 -反應分析方法量度干擾,並將干擾分為同向干擾與對向干擾計數,分析捷運車站走道內乘客的行走特性變數及干擾次數,以探討走道上雙向流的兩自變數流量比例、總流量與應變數干擾次數的關係變化。 因此本研究主要目的在針對捷運車站乘客動線干擾特性建立干擾之量度方法,並探討捷運車站人流特性與干擾之關係性。分析過程中選擇一捷運車站走道進行實例以分析,最後研擬進行動線改善措施並檢討改善措施對於動線改善的成效。經由本研究結果可知,捷運車站乘客動線干擾可運用本研究所提之理論與方法,進而研析與建立模式,並由實例分析結果印證之。另外,本研究亦研提乘客動線干擾改善措施與進行績效評估分析,證實成效良好,可提供相關單位改善管理之參考。
There are usually a large number of passengers crowded into the main transfer MRT stations in the peak hours so that some locations like entrance-exit gate, check-in gate, passageway, joint of passageway and the entrance of the escalators get stuck. The moving paths of the passengers walking in the crowded region are disorderly. The passengers are usually forced to slow down their walking speed and change their walking directions to avoid bumping to the others. Not only the walking comfort is lowed, but also the travel time is increased, while the conflicts of the passengers’ moving path becomes more and more serious. Therefore it may cause more passengers crowded in the MRT stations and level down their operation efficiency. In order to reduce the conflicts of the passengers’ moving path, this study applied the control technique to the stream of passengers, such as separating the stream into two parts by setting the separate bars and railings between the bi-directions. The conflicts of moving path haven’t been discussed broadly. We found thirty percent passengers deemed that the conflicts of passengers’ moving path were serious in MRT stations by questionnaires collected in MRT Stations in Taipei city. The objective of this study is to establish the methodology of measuring the conflicts of the passengers’ moving path in MRT stations, and analyzes the relationship between the pedestrian flow characteristics (K-V-Q) and conflicts of passengers’ moving path. This research focuses on the passageway, which is viewed as a link in the pedestrian network in MRT stations. First, we gathered the characteristics of the pedestrian flow and conflict of passengers’ moving path by using video watching or field investigating in MRT station. Second, we utilized the Area Method“ and “Bandwidth Method” in macro-scale, and “Stimulus-Response Method” in micro-scale. Third, we modeled the relationship between conflicts of passengers’ moving path and pedestrian flow variables. By choosing a passageway to analyze, the results implied that the conflict of pedestrians’ moving path could be analyzed by the proposed methods. Finally, we discussed the improving scheme separates the pedestrian stream into two parts with the separate bars and railings, and the effect was obvious significant.
Appears in Collections:Thesis