標題: 塑膠光纖傳輸模組產業之競爭力分析
A Research of Competitiveness on Plastic Optical Fiber Transmitting Module Industry
作者: 許致遠
Chih-Yuan Hsu
Dr. Douglas F. S. Lin
關鍵字: Toslink;塑膠光纖;五力分析;SWOT分析;垂直整合;Toslink;Plastic Optical Fiber (POF);Five-force model;SWOT analysis;Vertical integration
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 全球塑膠光纖通訊市場產值在1995年約為一億美元,2000年時約為三億五千萬美元,2006年將達到七億三千萬美元,十年內有七倍的成長。本研究以塑膠光纖傳輸模組產業(約佔總產值的1/4)進行分析,並探討產業鏈中各環節廠商的競爭優勢及產業未來的發展方向。 研究中以國內外塑膠光纖傳輸模組產業中的15家業者進行訪談,輔以次及資料的蒐集。發現整個產業有重整的跡象,上下游之間不斷建立新的合作關係,同時,既有的合作廠商之間也出現變數,2002年的前三大廠商在2003年的排名中幾乎全數被取代。 從研究結果可以發現,台灣LED封裝業者的競爭力在價格上和技術上表現普遍較差,要持續與上游及下游廠商競爭並維持合作關係相當不易,競爭的結果只會造成價格的破壞。由具有研發能力的上游IC設計公司或擁有通路的下游連結器廠商來主導產業的重直整合,方能在微利時代中展現高度的競爭優勢。
Global POF communications market value in 1995 was approximately $100 million, $350 million in 2000, and expected to reach $700 million in 2006 – 7 times growth in 10 years. This research is dedicated to analyze the POF Transmitter market, which holds approximately one quarter of the total market value, and discuss the competitiveness and future of all the firms in the supply chain of this industry. This research is focused on the interviews with 15 firms in the POF industry, supported with secondary data. The observation have discovered that many upper stream and down stream firms are building new strategic alliances, while old alliances are breaking up, therefore, it is apparent that the industry is re-organizing. Almost all of the top 3 firms before 2002 are being replaced in 2003. The findings in this research shows that most of the LED Packaging firms do not posses much competitiveness in price or technical support, it is difficult for them to maintain their relationship with their suppliers and customers, while competing with both sides. Competition will only result in price deductions. Vertical integration lead by IC design firms with technical background or connector companies possessing end customers is the best way to exhibit strong competitiveness in the highly competing market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis