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dc.contributor.authorMei-Chi Suen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. I-Ping Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract能力檢定是一種對於從業人員專業領域認知與能力的考核方式。國內產業日趨重視視覺要素,色彩學的應用就是明顯的例子。為提昇從業人員的專業能力,以及普及社會各階層對於色彩認識與應用的能力,推行色彩能力檢定的辦理將助益良多。日本的色彩檢定制度已行之有年,其實行內容與成效值得借鏡。本研究以「色彩能力檢定之前置研究」為主題,目的在有效地評估色彩能力檢定的可行性。研究實施透過內容統計分析與訪談分析兩個方向,研究結果如下: 1. 色彩能力檢定辦理需要有完整的色彩學知識建構系統。國內所出版之色彩學書籍的內容是知識建構程度的指標之一。國內目前對於色彩知識的建構程度,文字份量是以心理學類的內容比例最高,物理學類次之,再來是生理學類、表色系統、藝術設計、色彩計劃方法等類的份量居中,社會人文類、總論類、化學類、色票、印刷、生物類等份量較少,圖表類除了色票類的數量較多外,其餘類別的排序與文字數大致相同。 2. 日本色彩檢定的內容可供做實行檢定的參考。以日本全國服飾教育者連合會「文部科學省認定色彩檢定」三本教本為例,文字份量以色彩計劃方法類最多,社會人文類次之,圖表以社會人文類最多,藝術設計類次之,較為特別的是其他類,高居第三及第五名的份量;日本東京商工事議所「カラ-コ-ディネ-タ-□檢定試驗」五本教本為例,文字份量以色彩計劃方法類最多,社會人文、化學類次之,圖表以色彩計劃方法類最多,化學類、其他類次之。 3. 國內色彩學知識建構仍有需要補充的部分。國內與日本的統計數據相較下,化學類、社會人文類、色彩計劃方法類的份量較少,總論類、生理學類、藝術設計類、生物學類比例相當,而物理學類、表色系統、心理學類、印刷類的比例較多,但是日本在其他類與色彩計畫方法的內容份量遠高於國內書籍。國內色彩學書籍的知識建構已有基礎,色彩相關應用的領域仍嫌不足。 4. 檢定的施行必須瞭解產業界的需求。訪談中本研究發現色彩學在相關產業中的應用,在目前色彩教育與進修管道的不足下,從業人員無法有效率地應用色彩知識,多半以直覺或工作經驗為主,顯示色彩能力在國內的認知與普及仍須加強,多數受訪者贊成施行色彩能力檢定可以作為在職進修的手段,但也反應國內的色彩知識建構需要加強,特別是不同領域所需的色彩應用的相關資料。也認為日本檢定的制度與內容值得參考。 5. 檢定的公信力與內容必須評估。多數受訪者認為官方辦理色彩能力檢定的公信力比民辦佳,但也擔心官辦方式易使檢定內容僵化,並期望檢定內容是能夠與產業需求及時代變化接軌。 6. 本研究在整合研究結果後,最終參考行政院勞委會職訓局的技能檢定制度規範,草擬出色彩能力檢定施行的規範,做為未來相關單位辦理時之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe skill test is a way to verify the capability of professionals. People in industrial circles are paying more attention on the key element of vision. Different applications of Color can be the examples. In order to upgrade people the professional skills and popularize the knowledge of Color, it’ll be pretty helpful to establish the criterion of color proficiency test. Such kind of test had been well established in Japan for many years and it’ll be a good reference for us. My research titled “The Preparatory Research of Color Proficiency Test” looks into and estimates the feasibility of Color Proficiency Test by having the detailed analysis of statistical information and interviews. The result is summarized as below: 1. The prerequisite to establish the color proficiency test is to construct the complete knowledge base. The published Color books in Taiwan can indicate how it was established. Look into the published Color books in Taiwan, the descriptions in text are mostly covered by psychology and physics related topics and then the physiology, color system, art and design, and color planning. Society and human, the summary, chemistry, color sample, printing and biology related topics are less. The descriptions in graphics are pretty much like the same except that color sample related topics are covered more than previous text descriptions. 2. The textbooks of official color proficiency test in Japan can be a good reference in the research. Look into three major textbooks of All Japan Fashion Teachers and Test in Color Coordination, the color planning related topics cover the major part in text description and then the society and human. The society and human related topics cover the major part of descriptions in graphics and then the art and design. To be mentioned specially is the other category is the 3rd in text description and 5th in graphics description. Also look into five major textbooks of “The Official Business Skill Test in Color Coordination” published by “The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, the color planning related topics cover the major part in text description and then the society and human, and chemistry. The color planning related topics also cover the major part in graphics description and then the chemistry, and other category. 3. It can be improved to construct the knowledge base of Color by having a comparison between Taiwan’s published color books and the official chromatics textbooks for color proficiency test in Japan from the perspective of statistics. The percentage of chemistry, the society and human and the color planning related topics discussed in our published books is less. The percentage of the summary, physiology, art and design, and biology related topics in our books are almost equivalent to Japan’s. The percentage of physics, color system, psychology, printing related topics in Japan’s published books is more. Especially, the percentage of the other category related topics are far more than ours. Quite a few of the chromatics related background knowledge had been established and accumulated in Taiwan but the application of Color related topics seems not enough. 4. To carry out the color proficiency test needs to realize the requirement coming from industrial circles first. It was found in my research that most of the professionals will use their intuition or previous experience but not be able to apply the chromatics related knowledge efficiently because of the lack of chromatics education and further education. It shows that some space can still be improved in order to popularize the knowledge of chromatics in Taiwan. Most of the interviewers agree that the color proficiency test can be educated in the on-the-job training. It reflects that the construction of chromatics knowledge can be improved in Taiwan, especially the chromatics knowledge required in different fields. They also pointed out the existing color proficiency test in Japan can be a good reference for us. 5. The credibility and content of the color proficiency test needs to be considered and estimated. Most of the interviewers agreed the credibility of official test will be better than the private one but the concern is the lack of flexibility. They also expected the content of test to match the latest change and requirement in the industrial circles. 6. After summarizing the result in this research and referring to the regulation of National Technician Test of the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training of Taiwan, I drafted the reference model for the color proficiency test which can be the reference of related color proficiency test in the future.en_US
dc.subjectColor Proficiency Testen_US
dc.subjectContent Analysisen_US
dc.subjectInterview Analysisen_US
dc.titleThe Preparatory Research of Color Proficiency Testen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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