標題: 台灣大專畢業青年就業力之調查分析
An Investigate Study of Employability of College and University Graduates in Taiwan
作者: 蔡翠娉
關鍵字: 因素分析法;就業力;問卷調查;集群分析;Factor analysis;Cluster analysis;Employability;Questionnaire Survey
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文利用行政院青年輔導委員會之大專畢業青年就業力問卷資料進行台灣大專青年就業力之調查分析,本份問卷在2006年3月13日至2006年4月18日期間發放。該份問卷針對畢業青年所認為最需要的就業力,與畢業青年的就業狀況進行調查。本研究透過因素分析法找出核心就業力,以及將畢業青年利用集群分析法區隔成三個集群,謀職容易、高薪型;謀職不易、低薪型;穩定、低薪型。研究發現謀職容易群學歷偏高,學用配合度高,多數為全職工作者;謀職不易群學歷偏低,女性多,專科生多,私立學校偏多;穩定低薪群,男性偏多,短期到職者多,學歷分佈平均。研究的結論如下: (一) 男性畢業生雖然在平均薪資上高於女性,然而男性在工作上的發展變異較大,女性雖平均薪資較低,但在謀職容易高薪群的比例較男性高。 (二) 本研究不支持高學歷、高失業率之說法,高學歷在謀職上仍具有優勢。 (三) 五專、二專及私立學校畢業生之就業力處於劣勢,為未來加強青年就業力培訓的重點。 (四) 除了傳播藝術學院易落入謀職不易群之外,科系對工作發展影響不大,沒有絕對謀職優勢或劣勢的科系。
This thesis surveys and studies the employability of college and university graduates in Taiwan. These questionnaires were sent and collected by National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan from March 13 to April 18, 2006. Via the factor analysis, we obtain the core employability: professional ability, working attitude, and career planning. The cluster analysis distinguishes college and university graduates in Taiwan into the three clusters: easy to find job and high paid, hard to find job and low paid, stable but low paid. Our major empirical findings are as follows: 1. Although male graduates have a wage level than female graduates, the cluster distribution variation in males is larger than females. The percentage of females in the ‘easy to find job and high paid’ group is higher than that of males. 2. Graduates with higher degrees still have employability advantages. Our findings do not support the hypothesis of “higher education with higher unemployment ratio.” 3. There are significant employability disadvantages for five-year college, two-year college, and private school graduates. Employability education in these institutions should be promoted. 4. Except that graduates from departments of mass media and arts have a higher proportion in the ‘hard to find job and low paid’ group, there is no significant difference in employability for other departments.
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