Title: 多層次傳銷業在台灣之藍海策略-以美商安麗及仙妮蕾德公司為例
Blue Ocean Strategy of Multi-level Marketing Industries in Taiwan
Authors: 林沛孜
Pei-Tzu Lin
Her-Jiun Sheu
Keywords: 多層次傳銷;價值創新;藍海策略;安麗;仙妮蕾德;multilevel marketing;value innovation;blue ocean strategy;Amway;Sunrider
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 由於高齡化社會的來臨,每個人日益重視生活品質及養生,而多層次傳銷業便是個提倡自由的生活方式、良好事業機會及健康的產業,藉由人際網絡作為行銷通路,近年來規模大幅成長,至今在全世界已突破美金1000億大關。本文欲回顧多層次傳銷業之過去、現在及未來,並探討在台灣績效良好之公司在台灣佈局之藍海策略為何?台灣為全球直銷業營業額第九名,亞洲第三名,僅次於日本及韓國,世界及本土各大直銷公司紛至台灣尋找商機,而要在台灣經營又要有什麼策略始能出奇制勝呢?本研究以個案訪談之方式,以美商安麗及仙妮蕾德兩公司為例,探索成功企業背後之藍海策略,期以此找出永續經營之成功策略,供各界先驅及後進參考。 研究結果指出,卓越的產品品質、良好之直銷商素質、具誘因的行銷計畫(獎金制度)為多層次傳銷公司立於市場不敗之地之基本競爭因子,而透過創新的行銷方式,如:體驗行銷及良好的企業形象、產品之獨特性等,滿足現代人多元化之需求。不同於以往之製造與銷售導向,今日社會已進入消費者為王,顧客導向的時代已來臨,重視顧客需求導向,推出符合顧客期待之商品及服務,並為客戶創造新體驗,此為多層次傳銷企業在台灣近年來持續獲利之主要策略行動及致勝關鍵。
Due to the increase of average age in Taiwan, people pay attention to raise their quality of living for their health and future life. Multi-level marketing industry provides a better life style, good business opportunity, and healthy life. It depends on people’s networking as one of the sale’s channel, and has breakthroughed 100 billions US dollars in 2005. In this research, I would like to explore the history and the current development of multi-level industry. Amway and Sunrider Corporation are selected to be the cases in this research. It will help to explore what are the blue ocean strategies of successful multi-level companies in Taiwan. Taiwan is top 9 among the worldwide competition, and it is the third place in Asia, only fall behind with Janpan and Korea, which played a critical role in the multi-level marketing industry. The conclusion shows that the competitive factors in multi-level marketing companies in Taiwan are excellent quality of product, incentive marketing plan and well trained people.We also find that with proper innovation strategies, for example, to create the non replacable product , experience marketing , and build good business image bring major success and sustain competitive advange in multi-level industry.
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