Browsing by Author Tsai, Yuan-Hui

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Assessing Online Learning Ability From a Social Exchange Perspective: A Survey of Virtual Teams Within Business OrganizationsLin, Chieh-Peng; Chiu, Chou-Kang; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jul-2017Assessing perceived value: moderating effects of susceptibility to brand prestige and susceptibility to normative influenceJoe, Sheng-Wuu; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Ma, Hwa-Chun; Chiu, Chou-Kang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2016Assessing team performance: Moderating roles of transactive memory, hypercompetition, and emotional regulationTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Chen, Mei-Liang; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Ma, Hwa-Chun; Du, Jia-Wei; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2017Being excellent: predicting team performance, proactivity, and proficiency in technology industriesTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Huang, Ching-Chang; Ma, Hwa-Chun; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jan-2018Enhancing knowledge sharing in high-tech firms The moderating role of collectivism and power distanceChiu, Chou-Kang; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Teh, Siew-Fong; 交大名義發表; 經營管理研究所; National Chiao Tung University; Institute of Business and Management
1-Oct-2015Forecasting the purchase intention of IT product: Key roles of trust and environmental consciousness for IT firmsLin, Chieh-Peng; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Chiu, Chou-Kang; Liu, Chia-Ping; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jul-2014Group social capital in virtual teaming contexts: A moderating role of positive affective tone in knowledge sharingTsai, Yuan-Hui; Ma, Hwa-Chun; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Chiu, Chou-Kang; Chen, Shwu-Chuan; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jul-2014Group social capital in virtual teaming contexts: A moderating role of positive affective tone in knowledge sharingTsai, Yuan-Hui; Ma, Hwa-Chun; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Chiu, Chou-Kang; Chen, Shwu-Chuan; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Sep-2010Modeling Corporate Citizenship and Its Relationship with Organizational Citizenship BehaviorsLin, Chieh-Peng; Lyau, Nyan-Myau; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Chen, Wen-Yung; Chiu, Chou-Kang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Oct-2015Modeling corporate social performance and job pursuit intention: Forecasting the job change of professionals in technology industryTsai, Yuan-Hui; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Ma, Hwa-Chun; Wang, Rong-Tsu; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Feb-2013Modeling IT product recall intention based on the theory of reasoned action and information asymmetry: a qualitative aspectLin, Chieh-Peng; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Chiu, Chou-Kang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jan-2015Modeling job effectiveness in the context of coming out as a sexual minority: a socio-cognitive modelTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Liu, Wei-Te; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Chiu, Chou-Kang; Tang, Chiao-Chih; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Dec-2014Modeling Job Pursuit Intention: Moderating Mechanisms of Socio-Environmental ConsciousnessTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Wang, Rong-Tsu; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-May-2017Modeling knowledge sharing among high-tech professionals in culturally diverse firms: mediating mechanisms of social capitalTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Wu, Po-Hsuan; Cheng, Yueh-Hung; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Oct-2014Modeling team performance and its determinants in high-tech industries: Future trends of virtual teamingJoe, Sheng-Wuu; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Liu, Wei-Te; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jul-2013Modeling technological innovation performance and its determinants: An aspect of buyer-seller social capitalTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Ding, Cherng G.; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2012Modeling the Relationship Among Perceived Corporate Citizenship, Firms' Attractiveness, and Career Success ExpectationLin, Chieh-Peng; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Chiu, Chou-Kang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Nov-2012Modeling the relationship between IT-mediated social capital and social support: Key mediating mechanisms of sense of groupTsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Wang, Rong-Tsu; Chang, Yu-Hsiang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Apr-2013Modeling the relationship between perceived corporate citizenship and organizational commitment considering organizational trust as a moderatorWang, Yi-Ju; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2016Modelling IS upgrade intention, its mediator and antecedents: a two-wave surveyLin, Chieh-Peng; Tsai, Yuan-Hui; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Wang, Chia-Hsiang; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management