標題: Gview : 一個具有整體資料分析能力的網路管理系統
Gview : A Network Management System with Global View Capability
作者: 黃信文
Shin-Win Hwang
Ying-Dar Lin
關鍵字: 整體資料; 分析; 網路管理; 網管系統;network managerment; network management system; global view
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 隨著網路技術的精進,各式網路設備的大量使用。網路管理的重要性已日 益顯著。而開發網路管理系統,協助管理者監督及維持網路及網路設備的 正常、有效運作,則是網路管理的最佳方式。為使各式網路設備能整合管 理,各種相關的標準紛紛定出。本論文便是依 SNMP 網路管理協定及 MIB-II管理資訊庫等標準,發展出一套具備圖形使用者介面及多項整合功 能的網路管理系統─ Gview 。 Gview 的最大特點以整體性景觀 (global view) 為基礎,整合並分析所有網路設備的 MIB 資料,提供管 理者以整體性的觀點對所有網路設備作效率 (performance) 、異常 (fault) 及配置 (configuration) 上的管理。 As the network technology evolves, more and more computers and devices are connected together through the network for sharing information. Due to the increased network complexity, the network management becomes a matter of great importance. The best way to ensure the good performance of all network elements is to manage the network through a network management system. The pupose of this thesis is to develop a network management system, Gview, based on the SNMP network management protocol and MIB-II management information base. Gview is designed with a graphical user interface and integrated with multiple functions. The major characteristic of Gview is that it provides the virtual global view capabilities, constructed from physical local MIBs, for performance, fault and configuration management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis