Title: 漢字造型符號形式轉化之創作研究
Reverse-The Creation of Modern Calligraphy
Authors: 陳建山
Chien-Shan Chen
Dr.Tien-Chun Chang
Keywords: 書法性現代藝術;媒體定律;冷熱媒體;轉化;Modern calligraphy arts;Law of Media;Hot and Cool media;Reverse
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 摘要       書法的文本,通向一種視覺動向,書法在現代性可以是甚麼?每一種媒體都在傳達一種訊息(The media is the message),書法作為一種媒體,當下現代觀如何的體現?而借鑒西方現代藝術的創作觀念,傳統中具有重拾為現代的基因,現代則來自優質傳統的再開發,傳統與現代為一個二元相值體系,一個相互辨證的思考模組,藉由現代美學觀念的觸發,轉化成一種書法的新形式,探索書藝新的風格面貌。 本研究旨從以麥克魯漢(Marshall Mcluhan 1911-1980) 媒體定律效應觀點(Laws of Media)─ (放大amplify、淘汰obsolesce、重拾retrieve、轉化reverse)等歷程,探索漢字造形冷媒體形式原型(prototype)與現代書寫形式轉化的關係,藉由媒體工具涉入與重拾,以媒體定律理論及二元相值相生的美學觀理論相互印證,將漢字書寫型態轉化,並結合現代媒體理論的特性運用,創作具有「書法性的現代藝術」作品。 其次在作品創作實踐階段,針對國內現代書藝創作家實施訪談,並將其結果以質性研究分析方式呈現,作品創作部分以書法現量─“轉化”為主題,以實驗性、解構性、媒材混合( mix )等特性的策略,於本校藝文空間舉行專題展覽,藉之探討現代書藝創作各式種類的風貌,最終目的是嘗試著歸納出現代書藝的創作法則及建構其延伸理論,提供未來發展之借鑒。 關鍵詞:書法性現代藝術、媒體定律、冷熱媒體、轉化。
ABSTRACT The purpose of calligraphy is to deliver visual sign, and message. What can the calligraphy evolve in this modern age? Every media exists to deliver certain extent of message. How can the calligraphy, one of the medias, adapt to the modern era? In modern western era, modern arts creation usually adopts traditional culture and elements. Modern arts evolve from the re-creation and re-development of excellent traditional culture. Both the tradition and modern constitute a two-dimension system, a module of mutual thought and identification. The calligraphy develops into a new form with the combination of modern arts, and adventures into a new era. The new form of calligraphy in this modern age will be discussed in our essay. Our research aims at analyzing Laws of Media, established by Marshall McLuhan 1911-1980) which is composed of amplification, obsolesce, retrieve, and reverse. The author discussed the formation of prototype of “cool media” of Chinese words and also the evolution relationship between modern and traditional calligraphy. The involvement and resume of media tools, and the Law of Media an aesthetic of two-dimension causationism were employed to demonstration the transformation and evolution of Chinese words. The advantages and characters of modern medial law was also be used for creating “modern arts of calligraphy”. During the execution phase of arts creation, The researcher interview domestic modern calligraphy artists whose art creation texture were analyzed We This study aim at the modern transformation and evolution of calligraphy arts, and held an exhibition of special topics with principles of experiments, structure, and medial mix in the arts exhibition space of our school. All various types of modern arts creation were completely discussed and analyzed. The final aim is was to submit the modern art creation principles and structure and evolution theories for the reference of future development. Keywords: Modern calligraphy arts, Law of Media, Hot and Cool media, Reverse.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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