標題: 捷運與公車轉乘優惠政策意義之檢討分析
Policy Meaning of Discount Fare for Metro-Bus Transfer
作者: 葉嘉文
Chia-Wen Yeh
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 捷運;捷運公司;轉乘優惠政策;補償觀點;MRT;TRTC;Metro-Bus transfer discount policy;perspective of compensation
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 台北市政府交通局自民國85年11月以來,即一系列實施捷運與公車轉乘優惠措施,其主要目的在於提高大眾運輸使用率,而除了考量吸引旅客搭乘外,其亦應隱含有其他政策意義。 本研究透過問卷調查了解捷運旅客、公車乘客、小汽車與機車使用者對轉乘優惠之影響,研究課題為比較不同轉乘優惠實施歷程對民眾搭乘捷運次數影響,並探究轉乘優惠之受益對象為何,且以補償觀點探討轉乘優惠之意涵。 研究結果顯示轉乘優惠對公車乘客、小汽車及機車使用者並無明顯增加搭乘捷運次數,僅原捷運乘客有較明顯之影響,又轉乘優惠政策之成本效益來說,除單向轉乘優惠7元及雙向優惠10元時期,收入大於支出外,餘均入不敷出,故轉乘優惠不應為捷運公司單方面之行銷策略。另轉乘優惠之影響對象以年齡愈輕者、職業為學生、公教或個人所得愈低者愈容易受轉乘優惠之影響,故轉乘優惠可視為對低所得者之補助。再者,以補償角度來看,捷運與公車轉乘優惠之實施可視為係對旅客轉乘之補償。
Taipei Municipal Transportation Department has conducted a series of Metro-Bus transfer discount policies with an aim to boost the usage of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System. The discount policies not only increase the size of ridership but also bear other meanings as well. This study, using a questionnaire, is to get a picture of a discount policy’s effects on different kinds of passengers in Taipei metropolitan area. There are three themes in this study. The first is to compare the correlation between different discount policies and the ridership. The second is to find out who benefit from the discount policies. The third is to analyze the discount policies from the perspective of compensation. The result shows that only the MRT riders are influenced by the discount policy, not the bus, car, or motorcycle riders. Moreover, the Metro Taipei Company gains profits only during the period when one-way transfer fare is 7 NT dollars off, and two-way transfer fare is 10 NT dollars off, but not during other period when other discount policies were conducted. Hence, discount policy should not be a personal affair for TRTC. The beneficiaries of discount policy include young people, low-income keepers, students and public servants, which indicates that the fare discount policy can be viewed as a compensatory policy.

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